Freeranging/floor Time Advise

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jun 2, 2014
Reaction score
Sheffield, South Yorkshire
I wonder from any members with lucky free-range piggies how you go about toilet training?

We have laminate flooring and, although I place fleece and towels in strategic areas such as corners of the room/under the table, the pigs always pee and poo where they shouldn't! This means they are walking around in the pee and end up with wet stinky tummys grrr :doh: I guess this is worse for those with carpets unless your piggies are trained?

Also, when the pigs are out... I find they just chew at the bars of their c&c cage, as though desperate to get back in there! I place food, water, hay and hideys out for them so they have everything they need. I don't know what is so good about the cage - silly pigs!

If anyone has any tips on toilet training and how to make floor time more enjoyable for them i'd appreciate it.
I find the trick is to have hideys lined with puppy pads and filled with hay dotted around the room. My 2 like to do discrete peeing so I haven't had a problem - and I have carpet!
I find that piggies will pee where they can smell they have peed before. Just put some soiled bedding and poops in whatever you are using as litter trays. If they pee in the wrong place, the smell must be removed as much as possible. My two youngest are litter-tray trained so it can be done.
Thanks for your tips :)

I have to say @AbiS that my two are not discreet in any way, shape or form lol. You are lucky with your well behaved boys :) though I'm sure they get up to other mischief... My two tend to keep their hideys clean and instead go toilet in the most awkward places leading to me having wet socks when I least expect it!

@7squeakers. I will try your idea of leaving piggy poos in the areas I want them to use!
I leave the cage open for them so they can jump in and out when they want. We still get the odd wee/ poo but the majority is done in the cage. I hope your piggies enjoy their free ranging :)
I've popped them in the hall so they can't chew the cage for a change ... So now they are chewing the skirting boards instead! I give up :doh: image.webp
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Try having some tunnels & toys to distract them or even some cardboard boxes to chew on :)
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