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Fungal Infection?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 27, 2015
Reaction score
Norfolk, UK
Hi, our new baby piggies have a few round scabby areas near their eyes and one has some on her ears and one on her back. Could this be fungal? The person we got them off said they had had ringworm treatment and that she had been putting E45 on the scabs, she didn't mention it could be fungal just that 'sometimes guinea pigs get itches and stratch' and she puts e45 on them. I'm not sure when they were given the ringworm treatment, she mentioned something about she had put on bright green treatment on their back for as a ringworm prevention thing?! I have no idea if this was due to the scabby areas of whether it was don't as a prevention earlier, if that makes sense? None of the patches look sore and the fur is beginning to grow back on some areas. Do they look fungal?


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Hi, our new baby piggies have a few round scabby areas near their eyes and one has some on her ears and one on her back. Could this be fungal? The person we got them off said they had had ringworm treatment and that she had been putting E45 on the scabs, she didn't mention it could be fungal just that 'sometimes guinea pigs get itches and stratch' and she puts e45 on them. I'm not sure when they were given the ringworm treatment, she mentioned something about she had put on bright green treatment on their back for as a ringworm prevention thing?! I have no idea if this was due to the scabby areas of whether it was don't as a prevention earlier, if that makes sense? None of the patches look sore and the fur is beginning to grow back on some areas. Do they look fungal?


E45 is absolutely hopeless against ringworm or any other fungal! Sounds just like your typical backyard breeder or backyard rescue that cannot be bothered to pay for proper medication or a vet. :mal:

Please have your little piggies seen by a competent vet. Follow our advice re. ringworm hygiene until you know otherwise to prevent spreading the infection and hopefully infecting yourself. The products we are recommending are effective, but mild enough to be suitable even for very young guinea pigs.
Here is our piggy savvy vet locator: https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/pages/guinea-pig-vet-locator/
And here is our ringworm advice; hygiene and disinfecting with an effective product is very important with ringworm as with other fungal complaints, even if they do not spread to other mammals. F10 disinfectant is the most effective also in killing off ringworm spores, so it is well worth getting it! https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/threads/ringworm-hygiene-and-pictures.115402/
I was just posting when Wiebke did, agree with all of the above. Hopefully the vet will be able to put you on the right treatment plan.
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