Funny Piggy Tales! :)

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 26, 2014
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Hey! I'm sure we all know as piggy owners that guinea pigs are hilarious with cheeky wee personalities. So if you have any funny pig quirks, photo's or tales post here so we can all have a good giggle. :D
:) Hopefully! lol well i'll start the ball rolling with one of my faves. Years ago with my old boys Mopsy and Flopsy, i was woken in the middle of the night by LOUD wheeking only to see the guinea pigs bed bobbing up and down with Mopsy inside headbutting and wheeking away. The bed the started crawling along the floor whilst chomping away. Chasing Flopsy round the cage until eventually the bed rose up and swallowed Flopsy whole! Then alot of wheeking from inside. This had me in stiches as the bed looked like a giant pacman eating Flopsy! Would love to know what Mopsy was thinking. :D
Chris (a friend) still reminds me of the time Pumpkin (little black girl piggy) sneezed and wiped her nose on his arm, wandered off across the floor, sneezed again and walked back over to him to wipe her nose on him again. His cries of horror did not put her off at all. My stomach hurt I laughed so much!

He has not joined me for floor time with the piggies since, and this was about four years ago now.
Haha! That is soo cute! I can see why he may disagree though! lol cheeky Pumpkin! :D I reaaly wish i could read their minds!
Chris (a friend) still reminds me of the time Pumpkin (little black girl piggy) sneezed and wiped her nose on his arm, wandered off across the floor, sneezed again and walked back over to him to wipe her nose on him again. His cries of horror did not put her off at all. My stomach hurt I laughed so much!

He has not joined me for floor time with the piggies since, and this was about four years ago now.
Lol! How funny of her!
My first pair of pigs lived in the garden. I was looking out of the kitchen window at them one day, when I noticed a neighbour's cat slinking through the plants round my pond, heading for the piggies' run. Pickle Pig also saw him and hid in the tunnel. i thought he was hiding away and thought he was quite sensible. What happened next made me LOL.
The cat got round to the side of the run, and Pickle came running out of the tunnel, towards the cat, wheeking at top volume. The cat scarpered and I never saw it round the piggies' palace again.
Lmao at Pickle! :D Thats one ballsy pig! love it! haha! To be fair our dog is scared of Twix. Best pals with Biscuit but Twix spooked him by giving him a warning tap with her teeth! Can't blame her really he gave her a big slobbery lick in the face. Didn't go down well! but he keeps his distance from her now! Should have seen his face last night when she stole his bed! :D
My first pair of pigs lived in the garden. I was looking out of the kitchen window at them one day, when I noticed a neighbour's cat slinking through the plants round my pond, heading for the piggies' run. Pickle Pig also saw him and hid in the tunnel. i thought he was hiding away and thought he was quite sensible. What happened next made me LOL.
The cat got round to the side of the run, and Pickle came running out of the tunnel, towards the cat, wheeking at top volume. The cat scarpered and I never saw it round the piggies' palace again.

I've had a pig do similar. There is a massive fluffy ginger cat who lives on our estate and who regularly used to stalk through our garden. It used to stalk my boys and then sit on top of their run. One afternoon I was pottering around on the back patio when I looked up to see this cat yet again perched on the edge of the pig run. Dougal came charging out of his box and let off what I can only describe as one MASSIVE wheek. This cat shot off the run and away over the back fence in a flash. I swear I've never seen a cat move so fast. Dougal looked very smug once it had gone.

Absolutely horrified!
Just happened today, I was picking up a bit of corner fleece....then some pee flicked up at my face! Went on my chin and..lip! Luckily I had the carex hand wash on guard. I have no idea how that happened.
I tried feeding some banana to my piggies earlier. I cut a couple of tiny slices, probably about 1-2 mm thick, and gave one to each piggy. Caramel sniffed at his slice and happily gobbled it up, while Doughnut (avatar) backed away and hid in his hutch bedroom after giving the banana one sniff. It's hilarious, he seems to be afraid of banana!
I tried feeding some banana to my piggies earlier. I cut a couple of tiny slices, probably about 1-2 mm thick, and gave one to each piggy. Caramel sniffed at his slice and happily gobbled it up, while Doughnut (avatar) backed away and hid in his hutch bedroom after giving the banana one sniff. It's hilarious, he seems to be afraid of banana!
My two don't like banana either. Or strawberries.
I tried feeding some banana to my piggies earlier. I cut a couple of tiny slices, probably about 1-2 mm thick, and gave one to each piggy. Caramel sniffed at his slice and happily gobbled it up, while Doughnut (avatar) backed away and hid in his hutch bedroom after giving the banana one sniff. It's hilarious, he seems to be afraid of banana!
One of our pig did that with strawberry. He hunched into a ball and slowly backed into the corner pressing himself into it as far as he could to get away from it.
also @Tewdric Dougal is a perfect name your piggy! :) loving his long ginger curls!

@SkyexXx He started off as 'Paprika' (we'd named him and his brother after herbs) but then his coat grew and we just had to change his name. He came from the college I work at so I'd seen him at a few days old..... he was a right little scruff - but he grew into the best male lap pig I've ever had. Sadly he had to be pts back in September 2009. Still miss him.

Pic of him as a baby


The second pig is his brother Zebadee who was completely potty as a youngster and who would sing along with the piano when hubby played. He had quite good taste in music. He'd join in with the theme tune to 'All Creatures Great and Small' and he also liked musicals. :)

Picture 019.webp
A funny thing happened today with our piggies when they where having floor time. I was in a silly mood (hard to believe I know) and I said a quote from a comedy programme we used to watch called the mighty boosh whilst impersonating the character who said it. I said "and that's why I don't like cricket" and my boys started wheeking. I said it again an so they did it again. This happened 4 times in a row. I thought I better give it a rest so they didn't get fed up but I'm going to try it again later and try to film it on my phone if they do it again! Crazy pigs:drool:
A funny thing happened today with our piggies when they where having floor time. I was in a silly mood (hard to believe I know) and I said a quote from a comedy programme we used to watch called the mighty boosh whilst impersonating the character who said it. I said "and that's why I don't like cricket" and my boys started wheeking. I said it again an so they did it again. This happened 4 times in a row. I thought I better give it a rest so they didn't get fed up but I'm going to try it again later and try to film it on my phone if they do it again! Crazy pigs:drool:
@Tewdric aww well you picked a fantastic name! :D and sorry to hear that! RIP Dougal! :( and cuddles sent you way! and they are so cute as pups just melts my heart! lol get all gooey everytime! :D and males are great lap pigs! :) Zebadee is an intersting name too! where did you get that one?
Dougie and Elvis my smashing Peruvian boys are very loyal and loving to each other. Sleeping in same bed, eating from same bowl, Dougie often licks and nudges Elvis cheek,etc, so it is true love and loyalty. BUT, the other night during lap time they were merrily snoozing away together on my lap on their favourite fleece lap pad when Elvis must have done a big wee. Dougie leapt up as if soaked, ran from my lap to hubbies across the sofa settled down again but on his lap and promptly piddled himself..... minus a lap pad! :P:P
@didipiggywiggly oopsies! Naughty pig! lol Biscuit climbed on top of Twi and peed on her once! Was completley horrified! lol How rude! :O Poor Twix needed a bath after that one!
:)@Tewdric aww well you picked a fantastic name! :D and sorry to hear that! RIP Dougal! :( and cuddles sent you way! and they are so cute as pups just melts my heart! lol get all gooey everytime! :D and males are great lap pigs! Zebadee is an intersting name too! where did you get that one?

Zebadee is just a misspelling of Zebedee from 'The Magic Roundabout'. Zebedee was the one with the spring who was always bouncing about. It really suited my little chap when we got to know his character.

I now hold off naming pigs until I know a bit about them. They get temporary names now until I/we start to see their personalities.
@Tewdric Ahh of course! How could i forget about Zebedee! and thats a great idea! They all have such unique personalities! I've had 4 pigs now and i am piggy mad! Wanting more now! :) Love them all! :D
Absolutely horrified!
Just happened today, I was picking up a bit of corner fleece....then some pee flicked up at my face! Went on my chin and..lip! Luckily I had the carex hand wash on guard. I have no idea how that happened.
Sorry missed this post earlier! But ooh dear! That's sone bad luck there! I'd have been freaking! lol
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