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George Nearly Had Surgery

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Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 8, 2010
Reaction score
Surrey UK
A long while ago my partner and I took George to the vets as we'd noticed a lump on his back. On inspection, the vet aspirated the lump and determined it to possibly be a lipoma. He also had a couple small ones under his armpits which are quite common. As the lumps weren't causing any issues we were told to just keep an eye and come back if it becomes worse.

A couple of weeks ago I was checking him over and I noticed his lump looked 'fuller' so I booked an appointment at the earliest date I could. On the morning he was due to go, part of the lump had opened up and really thick sludge was seeping out. I was at work so my partner took him to the vets, she got out as much of the sludge as she could and we were given metacam and hibiscrub to clean the wound twice daily. He was also booked in to have possible surgery to remove the lump as it may not heal and keep returning.

George is three years old so the thought of surgery really scared me but he went yesterday and Anne was very happy with how it had healed. It's now flat with just a small scab where it seeped out. So for now, George doesn't have to have surgery and fingers crossed it doesn't come back.

Phew. Glad he doesn't need surgery after all.
I think I would be beside myself having to put one of mine through surgery. What a relief for you and gorgeous George!
Great news! Hope it stays healed and doesnt return!
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