Goodbye Linney...

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Senior Guinea Pig
Aug 15, 2010
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If anyone deserves a special place in what my daughter describes as 'guinea pig heaven,' it was Linney... We got her as a Christmas gift for my kids, along with her original bestie, Frenzy. She was a pig I honestly almost didn't pick, because she seemed to be very high strung at the time (which is ironic, as she was the most mellow, lazy, lap pig ever!) Finally, in desperation to get rid of me, the pet shop employee said, "Why don't you take this one? She's pretty." And thus, I ended up with Linney, and I am eternally thankful that I did. Linney spent the first couple of weeks with my parents, in order not to spoil the surprise for the kids. My mom was recovering from a serious autoimmune disease at the time, and found sitting and patting the pigs in the evening was really restful. She always had a special bond with Linney and was the first to run for the fridge when Linney wheeked or 'looked hungry.' So clearly, Linney is going to be missed by three generations of her human family, as she was loved by us all. She was very much the boss pig, but never a bully... she just wanted it made clear that it was going to be Linney first, all the time, and if her sisters Frenzy and Sundae were okay with that, there was not going to be an issue. Fortunately, Frenzy and Sundae were always okay with that and didn't toe the line too often! Sundae will obviously miss her too... she seems very anxious and lost now that Linney is gone. I know she will have another friend at that time, but I also know that no one will ever replace Linney, for any of. She was truly one of a kind. I think what I will miss most is what a lap pig she was... extremely mellow, there was nothing she liked more than laying flat out with her feet kicked out the back on one of our laps, getting her chin and the top of her hat patted and falling fast asleep. She was my daily blood-pressure-reduction pig, as there is nothing more soothing than a lap full of lazy guinea pig. I will miss that so much. I already do.

Linney went strong until about age five and a half. After that, she began having intermittent health problems... weight loss, recurrent UTIs, and recurrent nosebleeds. Last June, one of the vets at our practice did not give her a great prognosis, but she kept on trucking nonetheless. I will always be thankful that she got that one last summer to go to the cottage and eat the clover, that one last birthday for the kids to make her a salad cake and love on her, and that one last Christmas, so we could dress her up like a reindeer and celebrate six years of having her as part of our family. She seemed fine pretty much up until the end. In her last week, she didn't seem to be eating as well, although she still got moving for hay and snacks. Even the night before she passed, she got out of the cage to eat some lettuce and carrots with Sundae just like always. On her last day, she seemed not to be able to swallow, and the vet found a mass in her abdomen that was not there on a previous exam a couple of months ago. She seemed sleepy, but didn't seem to be in pain. I put her in my lap while she stretched out one last time and I stroked her head and back the way she liked and talked to her. I told her I was here, that I loved her, that she was not alone. I know she didn't understand the words, but I hope she understood the feelings. I saw her take her last breath. Under my fingers, I felt that tiny heart stop beating, and I thought my own heart would break. I'm thankful she was able to pass peacefully. I'm thankful that I was right there. I'm thankful that she chose her own time and place, where she was most comfortable, to go. I wish she could have lived forever, but since that couldn't be, I am glad she died softly, surrounded by love, and I'm glad I could be there until the end.

Rest in peace, Linney. Words can't say how much I love you and will miss you. You will always have a special place in my heart. My youngest daughter did point out that in 'guinea pig heaven,' her old friend Frenzy is surely very happy to see her after all this time. I like the idea of my two original piggies, reunited at last, grazing grass together again after all these years. I will hold them in my heart that way.

R.I.P. Linney Cupcake. Nov 15, 2008-Jan 15, 2015. Always loved.
What a beautiful tribute to an obviously very special girl. I am sorry for your loss. Sleep tight little Linney, popcorn free over rainbow bridge. x x
awh my eyes are tearing up reading this, I'm so sorry about Linney she's sounded like the perfect pet. rip little one
What a wonderful tribute for a very special, much missed lady!
RIP Linney
Sorry for your sadness and loss. Dear Linney sounded the most adorable and perfect little piggy. Xx
What a beautiful tribute for your precious girl. I am so sorry for your loss.

Run free Linney.
Beautiful eulogy. Little pet who leaves a big hole in your heart. Hugs to you. Popcorn free little one xx
That was such a beautiful tribute to your very special little girl. It made me really fill up. You words gave us a small insight into the bond you shared, I am so glad she was with you until the end, she would have been comforted being with her mum. Massive hugs to you all, we are all here for you x x

Sleep well pretty Linney, you will never be forgotten

RIP Linney
x x
So sorry for your loss, I can see what a special bond you had with your very special girl. Have fun little one with all the others who passed over the Rainbow Bridge.

R.I.P Linney xx
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