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Gorgeous Guineas

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Adult Guinea Pig
Sep 8, 2014
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Luna's had a full course of xeno, I asked for an imaverol dip for her too but the vet gave me surolan instead because he thought it was better. Neither worked. I'm so certain it's a fungal issue thats going on. I've recently bought her The CocoNeem Melt and Manuka and Neem Shampoo AND Genetrix Mycozole Antifungal spray. I havn't used either as I'm planning to take her to the vets to ask for reasurance that I can commence one of the treatments. Do any of you have any experience with these products?


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I personally would order Imaverol online, have put the link below, it is much more effective. Can see why your vet gave Surolan but you would not be treating the whole pig, that's why Imaverol dips are in my opinion better. The Mycozole spray will be good to keep on standby, as will the Surolan. I don't believe in treating fungal with Neem, but others may disagree with me on that.

To determine if it is fungal, does the hair come out easily when tugged gently? is the skin fluoresced? if you rub the hair the wrong way does it stay upright or fall back into place?

If she has been treated with Spot on for Mange mites it may be that she needs a further course of injections instead, as mange mites are under the skin.
@helen105281 Thank you!

Her fur has lots of dandruff, its greasy and stays the way I rub it all around her bottom half.
She has a small area on her rump where the skin Is really thick with dead skin and the hair comes out in clumps with skin attached.
She starts pulling my jumper with her teeth if I touch her bottom half, especially the worst patch.

If the fungal treatment doesn't work I will absolutely get her the injections. The surolan did seem to have an impact on it, but its gradually just returned to the way it's always been because it hadn't completely cleared it I assume. Really that's what makes me so sure its fungal.
I would definitely try Imaverol dips then. You don't need a prescription for the link I gave you. Just remember not to wash it off. If you need any guidance on how to do it then please let me know.
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