Got A Phone Interview In 30 Minutes!

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Jennifer D

Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 21, 2014
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Hey everybody! I've got a phone interview in 30 minutes and I really NEED this job! It would be back to forestry for the summer season as I took last summer off from forestry which turned out to be a huge financial mistake :( Now, I'm working at the kennel which is good, but I can't make any headway financially making $15 an hour (which is really decent for a kennel but just not enough to pay off the bills!) on my single person income :( SEND ME AWESOME VIBES! God, I hope I get it!
You don't need luck :-) but as you've asked I wish you all the best anyway and have my fingers crossed. Do let us know how it goes
AGH! That was one of the most professional interviews I've done in a long time! Yikes! Forestry is one of those things where once you're in, you don't really need to do interviews anymore- it's more word of mouth. So of course I suck at interviews. And I also prepared all the same old boring questions that you usually get in an interview and they DIDN'T EVEN ASK ONE! Bahhhh! I think I did alright though. Man, awkward moment when they ask you what the company you've worked for for 12 years is all about and you stumble over an answer! Never saw that one coming! What the hell DO they do?! Hahaha!
Sending positive vibes Jen :D. I have a friend who works in forestry, he is a Druid.
Best of luck. Interviews are so stressful, I hope you get the news you want within the week.
I GOT THE JOB! I'm so happy :) I'm finally going to be able to make a dent in the bills! I start March 9th too, which was a bit of a shock- usually the start time is mid april, but this is even better! I've told my current boss at the kennel and she's a really nice lady so she said it was fine :) Yay! So happy! Since I will be living in a shared no pets bunkhouse, Vixen is going to stay with my sister and her lonely pig, so the arrangement couldn't be better! Plus, I'll only be two hours away so I can still visit. Things are looking up :yahoo:
Congratulations! I am so pleased for you. It is lovely Vixen will be getting a friend and staying with your sister. What about your dogs and birds though?
Oh wow, thats brilliant! What will you do with Eagle and Jimmy though?
Eagle and Jimmy are going to be staying where they are- I live with my Mom during the winter and she takes care of them when I work in the summer. My sister is moving into her very first home and she would like to take Eagle for the summer as well since she is contemplating getting her own dog but isn't decided yet- she absolutely adores Eagle and misses having a dog so it works out perfectly for them both lol Plus, Eagle's been bounced all over for her entire life so she's happy anywhere she gets walks :) Jimmy will be staying with my mom all summer as we agreed when we adopted him!
Oh thats great, I was thinking there was no way you would give them up as you clearly love them so much!
Oh thats great, I was thinking there was no way you would give them up as you clearly love them so much!
Nah, I refer to them as "my" pets but they're our family pets :) Eagle was originally mine and lived with me year round, but my situation changed and she became everyone's dog! I usually live away from home for four months of the year as I work seasonal positions.
Thats great then because you have a support network :) My mum had my horse for 9 months when I was having a very difficult first pregnancy. And I have looked after her animals too. Its what family and friends do for each other :)
Thats great then because you have a support network :) My mum had my horse for 9 months when I was having a very difficult first pregnancy. And I have looked after her animals too. Its what family and friends do for each other :)
I know! I'm lucky to have a mom and sister who love animals as much as I do :)
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