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Growing Grass Inside Cage?

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New Born Pup
Feb 15, 2015
Reaction score
So I had this odd idea to grow grass inside my pig cage, like a little lawn to munch on. I was figuring I'd build a box of some sort and waterproof it, then fill it with dirt and seed. Obviously I'd need to let it grow for a while before actually using it. Then I'd just put it in the cage, add a ramp so they could get in and out, and let them go to town. Might be a cool way to add some variety, and if they grazed it all down I could take the ramp away for a bit. I was also considering doing the same thing with some lettuce plants. Thoughts?
I think some people on the forum do that, or something very similar. Although I believe they grow it in seed trays, leave them out of the cage until they've grown. Pop one tray in and let them munch for the day and alternative with another tray of grass. I'm not sure about leaving the grass tray inside the cage, I'm not sure what my piggies would do to be honest. Suppose you could do the same with lettuce.

I've grown veg in the summer to help with the cost of feeding the increasingly growing herd.
Would it be a problem of you watered the grass and then the piggies sat on it while it was wet? You'd hope they'd choose not to but....!

It would be nice to have a grassy area in their cage. Maybe a tray you could lift in and out rather than taking the ramp away might be the best of all worlds?
Last year I had a litter tray of gras growing in their room which i just placed in every so often, they munched and crawled all over it :)
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