Grrrr Bad Boys

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 6, 2012
Reaction score
Mildenhall suffolk
I just finished sweeping up their home making it look all lovely, went in the kitchen come back and they have completely trashed the place tipped food bowl over food spread all over the nice clean fleece. I think sometimes why I bother lol then I think hmmmm looks familiar thats just what happens with me cleaning and kids come home. I guess I'll never learn hey lol lol gotta love them all piggys and kids lol rant over :eek::hb::own:
My girls are quite clean. Its me that spreads the food over the floor, when I step on the bowl while cleaning up! Doh!
Then I trip over the cage divider and come out with every expletive I can think of! Ooops!
7squeake post: 1681700 said:
My girls are quite clean. Its me that spreads the food over the floor, when I step on the bowl while cleaning up! Doh!
Then I trip over the cage divider and come out with every expletive I can think of! Ooops!
Lol lol i can just picture that coz I used to do thatwhen I had a c c cage for my first piggys lol
My girls are quite clean. Its me that spreads the food over the floor, when I step on the bowl while cleaning up! Doh!
Then I trip over the cage divider and come out with every expletive I can think of! Ooops!
That sounds very familiar :)
Yeah, when I set up pipes and boxes and tunnels I wander off to get some food and within minutes, they've trashed the
Girls arn't any better I hear thumps all the time and I can now tell the difference between each one thump "that's the bowl" thump thump "huts being moved" x
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