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Forum Donator 2023/24
Oct 29, 2012
Reaction score
south coast,uk
how long were you a guest before you came a member? Seeing that there are 32 members on forum, but nearly 300 guests,, it got me wondering. I know l was afew weeks before l took the step to join, after see what nice friendly and helpful people were here. And how other newbys were welcomed, and not intimidated. 7,1/2 years later, l'm still here.
I think I joined on the day we actually brought Piggle and Puggle home, after spending about a month researching what had changed in piggy care and diets after 25 years of not having them!
I was finding that every google search for "can guinea pigs eat...?" was coming up with the forum as the top hit, and I was enjoying reading all the personal experiences and discussions about diets and care, so we joined straight away when we brought puggies home and I saw how small and scared Puggle was and how wriggly and unmanageable Piggle was! I do remember it was @Merab's Slave who first answered my intro post :)
I used to read the advice when it came up on a google search then ended up reading people's posts and became more and more interested. I was finally moved to join when my pig Hunca Munca died because I was overcome with a need to post about her and for people to know she had lived. The comments that people left on my post were so kind and I was so touched that they had responded. It really is a.lovely forum.
I joined just under 2 weeks after Eddie and Elvis came home. I'd been googling lots of things mostly about what they can eat and how often and tgpf kept coming up and was always the most helpful result. A lovely lady who was dating her 2 sows with a sow from Neville's Nest also recommend tgpf as a great place for info. It was when I had a more specific question than if they could eat something that I actually joined to ask. I'm very glad I did!
I was lurking around for about 2 or 3 years whenever I needed too look up something, this forum always came up first. Then I decided to join when I was really down about losing my 7 year old boar named Sky, his brother was a very chronicly sick pig so I was mainly looking up things about him, sky never got sick amazingly until into his 7th year
I joined fairly quickly because I needed an urgent question answered - can I substitute a bowl of water for a broken bottle? The answer is of course, yes, which I should've known anyway but we all know what that "haven't-had-guinea-pigs-for-years-and-don't-remember-ANYTHING" moments are like.

Comet and Blitzen survived the water bowl, even if they decided to tip it over regularly.

It's why I will never complain about "stupid newbie questions" - pot calling the kettle black comes to mind!