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Guinea Pig Behaviour

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New Born Pup
Feb 11, 2015
Reaction score
Belper, Derbyshire

So I'm quite new to the guinea pig world (I haven't had any since I was a child). We recently bought two guinea pigs from a local breeder and found out after having them for 3 weeks that one was actually a boy. We bought a new cage and they are now next to each other but after being together for the first 8 weeks of their life we thought it's more than likely our little lady is pregnant she is looking a little round but nothing obvious. Anyway back to my question normally they chatter a bit in the day but generally just potter about, since getting up this morning there has been a lot of rumbling going on, bar biting, just very active today lots of hip swinging going on between their cages. Is this all normal behaviour?

If your girl was not pregnant, then I would say that she was in season. How long since you separated them?
Just over a week ago, I'm also wondering if she's not actually pregnant and is in season. When they are in season how long does this kind of behaviour last?
About 1 to max. 2 days.

However, it is way to early to say or make any deductions yet. The only way they will ever be safely able to be together is if one of them was neutered, so you will have to sit out your pregnancy watch anyway. It can well be that she has somehow escaped.
when we were waiting for the new cage to arrive we did notice that she was very good at avoiding him and brushing him off but I'll be very surprised if she had managed for the whole 8 weeks they were together, we shall see what the next few weeks brings!
Sadly, all you can do right now is wait... :(
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