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Guinea pig breathing


New Born Pup
Apr 2, 2024
Reaction score
Northern Ireland
I bought my guinea pig about 1 month ago from the pet store. He was doing fine. Last week on monday i gave him a bath after that i dried him and put him in a worm place. While i was bathing him I noticed that he has lices,so on Tuesday i put 1 tube of Beaphor mites teatment on his neck and a little dot behid his ear. I didn't notice probems after that, only he was shivering so i put him in a worm place and also he seemed to not want to put weight on his front foot. On Friday morning i noticed that he didn't eat or drink much also he didn't move, so i rushed him to the vet. The vet said that he was fine but his internal temp was low 35.6 he was 1.1k. She injected him with Baytril , gave him steroids and gave him something to meke him eat more. Also she gave me critical care but he didn't wanted to eat it. Later that day he started to eat and drink again so I thought that i shouldn't force him to eat the critical care. He seemed to improve a bit started to move and eat more but he started to sneeze and to move his head while breathing so on Monday i went to another vet. His internal temp was 36.7 and he weighted 967g. The vet said to not worry about the weight loss and gave him another injection of Baytril. He also said that the lymph nodes of his painful foot were enlarged. He gave me metacam to give him for 3 days. After the visit he still didn't wanted to eat much but he was lively and running around. He ate 2 cucumbers and a carrot. Later he also ate hay and nuggets. But i noticed that when i pick him up i can hear him breathing quickly about 3 times then he stops and repeats the same and when he is still he moves his head while breathing. I don't see any mucus. Today i gave gave him the metacam and for the first time i saw him puffed up sitting in his corner. I didn't wanted to leave him to go to work because i am afraid he might pass all alone. I booked another appointment with a different vet, but here i can't find any cavy savy. Please give me advice what to do I don't want to lose him. He is a precious little soul and doesn't deserve to suffer. I forgot to mention that i tried to mash his nuggets with watter and even added blended carrot to syringe feed him but he doesnt want to. He ates his vegetables though.
Hello and welcome to the forum. I’m so sorry your piggy is unwell.

As he is losing weight you need to syringe feed him the critical care. This stabilises his weight while he is poorly. Get in as much as you can and weigh him tomorrow morning. If he’s lost more weight you have to feed more critical care that day and so on until he’s not losing any more.

It’s good he’s on pain medication. He might need it longer than 3 days though. Is he on antibiotics now at home? Do they think he has a URI or are they treating his foot?
I'm sorry to hear this.

You need to weigh him every morning yourself at home to know how much hay he is eating.
Hay is the most important part of the diet (75% of what they eat in a day) and you cannot gauge intake by eye. When a piggy is healthy you weigh them weekly as part of routine care but when unwell you need to switch to daily weight checks each morning as that is the only way to monitor the hay intake more closely.
As he is losing weight each day you simply must syringe feed critical care or mushed pellets multiple times a day - even if he is still eating some veggies. Eating veggies simply isnt enough as it is merely a supplementary part of their diet. A piggy can still be eating plenty of veg but without enough hay they have lost a huge proportion of daily food intake and they need to be syringe fed to replace the lost fibre intake, keep gut function and maintain their weight.

You need to feed as much critical care is needed to keep his weight stable each day - if they are not eating hay for themselves then it's a minimum of 60ml per day. You give as much as he will take at each sitting but the less he takes at each sitting the more sittings you need to do each day.

The guides below will help explain further.

Emergency and Crisis Care as well as Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment
Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures

Guinea pigs should not be given steroids. How were they administered?

The Problems With Steroids And Why They Shouldn't Be Used.

If he has a URI, then he will need to be given antibiotics orally at home for a course of treatment, along with painkillers (its good he has the metacam but if he is unwell then 3 days is not likely to be enough).

Please dont routinely bathe your guinea pigs. They dont need it and it isnt good for their skin.
Bathing should only be undertaken if there is a genuine need to do so ie at the end of a ringworm treatment or through lack of mobility due to old age and consequently they are at risk of urine scald.

Was it actually lice? Lice are pale crawling creatures visible to the human eye. Mites are not visible but you can only see their evidence which are egg casings affixed to the hair shaft.
Please also do not use the lice products from a pet shop on spec. Pet shops aren't allowed to sell products which are appropriately strong enough to deal with it. Consequently, it is unlikely the treatment you have used will be enough to deal with an active infestation.
When there is a diagnosed case of mites or lice you need to get the treatment prescribed by the vet and dosed appropriately for his weight. Both piggies will need to be treated.
The treatment needs to be completed as part of the correct length course which is usually three separate treatments with two weeks between each treatment (ie six weeks to totally deal with an infestation). This is because the treatment only kills hatched mites and lice, it does not kill the eggs. So the first treatment kills the mites/lice but by two weeks later the eggs that were present at the time of the first treatment have hatched. The second treatment then kills those mites/lice. The third treatment is then needed to catch any stragglers which could restart a whole new infestation.
You also need to thoroughly disinfect the cage a few days after each treatment using, ideally, F10 which is a vet grade disinfectant. Any fleece bedding needs to be hot washed and any cardboard items thrown away.
With lice, it is also a good idea to increase vitamin c intake to help boost the immune system. Lice are blood sucking so can really cause issues in weakened piggies if not dealt with properly.

New Guinea Pig Problems: Sexing & Pregnancy; URI, Ringworm & Parasites; Vet Checks & Customer Rights

Also, importantly - does he have a companion? Guinea pigs are social animals and must never be kept alone, particularly babies.
If he doesnt, then deal with his illness first, but please do look to get him a same sex companion. A single piggy is a lonely piggy and no amount of human interaction will be enough or compare to the companionship of a cagemate.

Single Guinea Pigs - Challenges and Responsibilities
Thanks for you replies. He was injected antibiotic at the vet 2 times Friday and Monday. He was injected a steroid on Friday.But they didn't prescribe any for home. Also both vets after hearing his lungs with a stethoscope said he doesn't have a problem. One even said him losing weight isn't something to worry about,can you imagine. When I mentioned the lice they just said that the beaphor should work. The last vet even said that I underdosed it and need to give it to him again in a month. I don't understand cats and dogs get taken care of so well, but not guinea pigs. Every one looks at me like i am a weirdo for bringing my guinea pig to the vet. I am now waiting to get him checked for a third time. Do you have any advice on what i should want from the vet? Do I ask for antibiotics for at home. Idk what to do. The vets don't know what is wrong with him too.
Thanks for you replies. He was injected antibiotic at the vet 2 times Friday and Monday. He was injected a steroid on Friday.But they didn't prescribe any for home. Also both vets after hearing his lungs with a stethoscope said he doesn't have a problem. One even said him losing weight isn't something to worry about,can you imagine. When I mentioned the lice they just said that the beaphor should work. The last vet even said that I underdosed it and need to give it to him again in a month. I don't understand cats and dogs get taken care of so well, but not guinea pigs. Every one looks at me like i am a weirdo for bringing my guinea pig to the vet. I am now waiting to get him checked for a third time. Do you have any advice on what i should want from the vet? Do I ask for antibiotics for at home. Idk what to do. The vets don't know what is wrong with him too.

The vet needs to check his lungs sound clear. If they are clear then that suggests he does not a respiratory infection and he would not need antibiotics in that case.
If he has an infection, then yes he is likely to need antibiotics for you to give him at home.

Being puffed up can mean discomfort/pain.
Losing weight - Weight loss 50g or more is a worry. As we said, you need to weigh him daily and syringe feed him.
This suggests that there is something wrong but it’s not always easy to find out.
It also depends how knowledgeable the vets are.

The beaphar is possibly going to be underdosed - not necessary because of anything you’ve done wrong, but simply because it isn’t strong enough anyway. This is why we don’t recommend its use. Xeno the recommended product to get from your vet to treat lice and mites. As I say, it’s three treatments with two weeks between each treatment.
Doing beaphar again in a month won’t necessarily help!

Does he have a companion?
The vet needs to check his lungs sound clear. If they are clear then that suggests he does not a respiratory infection and he would not need antibiotics in that case.
If he has an infection, then yes he is likely to need antibiotics for you to give him at home.

Being puffed up can mean discomfort/pain.
Losing weight - Weight loss 50g or more is a worry. As we said, you need to weigh him daily and syringe feed him.
This suggests that there is something wrong but it’s not always easy to find out.
It also depends how knowledgeable the vets are.

The beaphar is possibly going to be underdosed - not necessary because of anything you’ve done wrong, but simply because it isn’t strong enough anyway. This is why we don’t recommend its use. Xeno the recommended product to get from your vet to treat lice and mites. As I say, it’s three treatments with two weeks between each treatment.
Doing beaphar again in a month won’t necessarily help!

Does he have a companion?
No not yet. When i bought him he was alone in his cage at the pet store so he doesn't have a friend that he is bonded with and while i was researching how to introduce another piggy and trying to figure it all out I found out that he got lices. They were little white things that were moving in his fur and a little after that he got sick, so now i am trying to put him back on track. Good news is he put a little bit of weight. He is back to 1kl. I went to an out of hours vet today. He said that his luns sound good but maybe it will be good to continue the antibiotic so he gave me for home. But he is not sure what is wrong, because the symptoms are vague. He gave him Baytril and Emeprid. He said the last one was to keep his stomach working. I also bought critical care and plan to give him some tonight.

I watched videos of scoty's animals on YouTube and Scoty says that with antibiotic, we should give the guinea pig probiotic as well, but when i asked about that the vet said it's unnecessary . By the way the vet is not for exotic animals.

What is your opinion about that? Also is the Emeprid good?
Emeprid is a gut stimulant - so yes that is good.

A probiotic can be used, but not always necessary. It helps balance the gut bacteria. Antibiotics can sometimes upset their tummies and the probiotic can help settle them but not all piggies will be affected by it, and not all antibiotics will cause issues. I’ve used baytril without issue (just last week I had a piggy on it in fact).

Weigh him each morning and syringe feed accordingly.

Did the vet give you any advice about the lice?

A vet doesn’t need to be an exotic vet, you just need a vet knowledgeable about piggies
I just noticed that he can't poop he is trying the poor thing,but nothing comes out. Thinking about it he kinda did the same thing this morning, but i didn't figure out what he was doing. I wish i noticed earlier and told the vet about that. But i think this problem startes this morning or during the night.
I just noticed that he can't poop he is trying the poor thing,but nothing comes out. Thinking about it he kinda did the same thing this morning, but i didn't figure out what he was doing. I wish i noticed earlier and told the vet about that. But i think this problem startes this morning or during the night.

Please check his anal sack and see if he has impaction. If he has then you will need to clear him out.
Impaction can be caused by other health issues so you should call the vet if you find he is impacted. Please read the guides below

Boar Care: Bits, Bums & Baths
Impaction - How To Help Your Guinea Pig.

Not pooping (as opposed to not being able to poop - piggies do not get constipation) can also be because he has not eaten enough food. Again, this is where the daily weight checks and syringe feeding come into importance. If he had any gap in food intake (to cause weight loss) then there will be a gap in poop output. Poop output is 1-2 days behind food intake.
Emeprid is a gut stimulant - so yes that is good.

A probiotic can be used, but not always necessary. It helps balance the gut bacteria. Antibiotics can sometimes upset their tummies and the probiotic can help settle them but not all piggies will be affected by it, and not all antibiotics will cause issues. I’ve used baytril without issue (just last week I had a piggy on it in fact).

Weigh him each morning and syringe feed accordingly.

Did the vet give you any advice about the lice?

A vet doesn’t need to be an exotic vet, you just need a vet knowledgeable about piggies
I told him about the lice and that i gave him spot on treatment by Beaphor. He just asked if things got bad after that and i said yes. He didn't said anything else about the lice. To be honest I also forgot to ask him about it later on but i asked if those were lice and he said yes. He recommended a vet clinic that treats guinea pigs.

I am tired from hopping from one vet to another. The first one injected him steroids so I guess she is not a good one for my piggy at least. The second one brushed of his weight loss, said he has enlarged lymph nodes yesterday and didn't
even know about critical care when I asked for it. Today this vet said that he doesn't have enlarged lymph nodes.

I don't know how to find a good vet that knows how to treat guinea pigs correctly. If anyone knows good vets in Northern Ireland that would be great.

Thank you for replying so quickly. It is much appreciated.Since Friday i have been losing my mind and been preparing for the worst. Strangely enough his breathing seems fine now he is eating hay and when he finishes i'll feed him.

By the way, I checked his sack, and there's no poop in it. There wasn't even much to clean, so i guess he is not impacted.

I understand that if he didn't eat much then he won't poop much or at all, but he was like straining to poop he even lift himself up.His whole body tensed up to pass the poop but nothing came. It looked so painful.
I di
Is he peeing ok?
I didn't notice any problems with that. What should i look for? I only notice that his pee some times gets white on the fleece. Do you think he was actually having problems with peeing rather than pooping?
I di
I didn't notice any problems with that. What should i look for? I only notice that his pee some times gets white on the fleece. Do you think he was actually having problems with peeing rather than pooping?

It was just a thought given you mentioned straining.

How old is he?

White pee can be normal but it can also be a sign of an issue if it is happening a lot.
Piggies excrete excess calcium in the urine. It should feel chalky when dried. Too much calcium can cause bladder and bladder stones.
If it feels gritty or if it is happening a lot then that is a sign something is off in the calcium balance in the diet. At that point you need to check the two main factors - pellets and water. Most calcium comes into the diet via pellets and water - make sure you aren’t over feeding pellets, it should be just be one tablespoon per pig per day and drinking water should be filtered.
High calcium veggies are then the next thing to look at - ensure you aren’t feeding too much kale, spinach or parsley. They should be just a small amount and given only one a week.

If you are finding his pee is gritty then do see a vet to have his bladder checked. Sludge and stones are painful and always require things to be dealt with.
It was just a thought given you mentioned straining.

How old is he?

White pee can be normal but it can also be a sign of an issue if it is happening a lot.
Piggies excrete excess calcium in the urine. It should feel chalky when dried. Too much calcium can cause bladder and bladder stones.
If it feels gritty or if it is happening a lot then that is a sign something is off in the calcium balance in the diet. At that point you need to check the two main factors - pellets and water. Most calcium comes into the diet via pellets and water - make sure you aren’t over feeding pellets, it should be just be one tablespoon per pig per day and drinking water should be filtered.
High calcium veggies are then the next thing to look at - ensure you aren’t feeding too much kale, spinach or parsley. They should be just a small amount and given only one a week.

If you are finding his pee is gritty then do see a vet to have his bladder checked. Sludge and stones are painful and always require things to be dealt wi

It was just a thought given you mentioned straining.

How old is he?

White pee can be normal but it can also be a sign of an issue if it is happening a lot.
Piggies excrete excess calcium in the urine. It should feel chalky when dried. Too much calcium can cause bladder and bladder stones.
If it feels gritty or if it is happening a lot then that is a sign something is off in the calcium balance in the diet. At that point you need to check the two main factors - pellets and water. Most calcium comes into the diet via pellets and water - make sure you aren’t over feeding pellets, it should be just be one tablespoon per pig per day and drinking water should be filtered.
High calcium veggies are then the next thing to look at - ensure you aren’t feeding too much kale, spinach or parsley. They should be just a small amount and given only one a week.

If you are finding his pee is gritty then do see a vet to have his bladder checked. Sludge and stones are painful and always require things to be dealt with.
As far as I know he is 6 months old. His pee is white quite often. What do you mean by gritty?
He doesn't eat pellets. He eats Gerty nuggets and I always make sure he has some. Could that be the issue? I feed him carrot and cucumbers the most. These couple of days I am giving him only cucumbers because he is not drinking much water.
I don't filter his water, I wonder if that makes his pee white. I am going to switch to still store bought water as we use that water for ourselves as well and see how it goes.

I think he is better now though, when I try to get him he is running just like before. I think that he is doing that now because he doesn't want the cc,which is very strange. He takes his meds without a struggle. Even the antibiotic,but the cc is a strugle. He is so adorable with his little tricks to hide his mouth when i give him cc. I wonder why he doesn't like it, water too. I am giving him Oxbow cc anise flavour. I even put the tip of the syringe in banana pure to trick him to take it. He eventually gives up and takes it but its like forced. Idk. Am I giving him too much at a time? I use 1ml syringe and strive to give him at least 5. But sometimes I give him less or more.How much should I give him at a time? He is still not eating his hay. He eats but very little not like before. He was munching all the time.

Yesterday and today he was jumping/popcorning in his cage. He even started to run in circles like before. He seems to brighten up. I wonder if the antibiotic makes him lose his appetite or he doesn't like the hay. He is asking/looking for treats though.
I noticed that his tummy on one side is kind of bigger. When i touch it it also feels bigger than the other side. Could he be blotted? I am not sure if you can see anything in the picture. The thing is he has been seen by 3 vets now last on on Tuesday and not one said anything about bloating.


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As far as I know he is 6 months old. His pee is white quite often. What do you mean by gritty?
He doesn't eat pellets. He eats Gerty nuggets and I always make sure he has some. Could that be the issue? I feed him carrot and cucumbers the most. These couple of days I am giving him only cucumbers because he is not drinking much water.
I don't filter his water, I wonder if that makes his pee white. I am going to switch to still store bought water as we use that water for ourselves as well and see how it goes.

I think he is better now though, when I try to get him he is running just like before. I think that he is doing that now because he doesn't want the cc,which is very strange. He takes his meds without a struggle. Even the antibiotic,but the cc is a strugle. He is so adorable with his little tricks to hide his mouth when i give him cc. I wonder why he doesn't like it, water too. I am giving him Oxbow cc anise flavour. I even put the tip of the syringe in banana pure to trick him to take it. He eventually gives up and takes it but its like forced. Idk. Am I giving him too much at a time? I use 1ml syringe and strive to give him at least 5. But sometimes I give him less or more.How much should I give him at a time? He is still not eating his hay. He eats but very little not like before. He was munching all the time.

Yesterday and today he was jumping/popcorning in his cage. He even started to run in circles like before. He seems to brighten up. I wonder if the antibiotic makes him lose his appetite or he doesn't like the hay. He is asking/looking for treats though.
I noticed that his tummy on one side is kind of bigger. When i touch it it also feels bigger than the other side. Could he be blotted? I am not sure if you can see anything in the picture. The thing is he has been seen by 3 vets now last on on Tuesday and not one said anything about bloating.

Touch the areas of dried white pee. If it feels like sand then that is gritty.

He is young for stones to form but it sounds like you really need to review his diet for his long term health - it currently doesnt sound ideal I’m afraid.

Are you feeding the plain Gerty nuggets which each piece looks the same or are you feeding the one which has multi coloured pieces?
The multi coloured one is a muesli and needs to be avoided entirely.
The Gerty plain nuggets (which are a pellet - it’s a different word for the same thing) - well honestly, the ingredients are terrible and I would not feed it at all. Its first ingredient is alfalfa which guinea pigs should not eat. It’s high calcium and will cause the white pee you are seeing.
You also should not be making sure he always has some all the time. Pellets/nuggets are the one part of the diet which they do not actually need at all and if they do have them they are kept limited to just one tablespoon per day only. Then no more until the next day. Never allow him to have constant access to them. Allowing a piggy to fill up on nuggets/pellets which cause them to not eat enough hay and consequently will cause poor gut health (by allowing the wrong type of bacteria to take over and it isn’t the fibre a piggy gut needs) poor dental health risking overgrown teeth (hay and fresh grass are the only foods which wear their constantly growing teeth properly). It will cause too much calcium in the diet and risks bladder stone formation and the white pee spots you are seeing. It will also cause unhealthy weight gain and ultimately can be life shortening.
The more hay and grass and less of everything else the healthier a piggy will be.

My piggies do get some pellets/nuggets but each piggy gets about 8-10 pellets. I also only give them pellets/nuggets just 2 times a week in summer and 3 times a week in winter.

His veg part of the diet doesn’t sound good either.
Carrots are high sugar and shouldn’t be fed often if at all. They will cause digestive issues. You can give one very small piece once a week only. Mine get carrot once or twice a year.

The best way to provide a good balanced diet with all the nutrients he needs is to give plenty of leafy green veg. A diet consisting of lettuce, a few sprigs of coriander, some bell pepper and a chunk of cucumber will prices him with all the micronutrients he needs, including his important vitamin c needs. While there is vit c in every veg mostly giving him carrots and cucumbers means his diet is not balanced and he is likely missing out on a few other nutrients.

Water - please be careful with bottled water, some is very high in calcium and should not be fed to piggies. The best thing is to get a brita (or other brand) water filter and filter it yourself to use for him.

This is our diet guide

Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets

If he is not eating hay, then you must syringe feed him. 5ml at a sitting is probably enough for him in one go but he needs at least 60ml per day. The less he takes at each sitting the more sittings you need to do. So if he takes 5ml at a sitting you could need to sit and do it 12 times a day.
Not many piggies like the anise flavour - please try a different one or use mushed pellets.

All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre

Are you weighing him every morning? That is absolutely essential so you can know he is getting enough. If he isn’t getting enough food and stops pooping then he risks going into stasis.

Weight - Monitoring and Management

In terms of possible bloating, please return to the vet again if you suspect bloat. It is a very painful condition and if he has it will require good painkillers and gut motility medication.

Please read all the green links I added through this post. They explain every more fully

Digestive Disorders: Not Eating - Diarrhea - Bloat - GI Stasis (No Gut Movement)
Touch the areas of dried white pee. If it feels like sand then that is gritty.

He is young for stones to form but it sounds like you really need to review his diet for his long term health - it currently doesnt sound ideal I’m afraid.

Are you feeding the plain Gerty nuggets which each piece looks the same or are you feeding the one which has multi coloured pieces?
The multi coloured one is a muesli and needs to be avoided entirely.
The Gerty plain nuggets (which are a pellet - it’s a different word for the same thing) - well honestly, the ingredients are terrible and I would not feed it at all. Its first ingredient is alfalfa which guinea pigs should not eat. It’s high calcium and will cause the white pee you are seeing.
You also should not be making sure he always has some all the time. Pellets/nuggets are the one part of the diet which they do not actually need at all and if they do have them they are kept limited to just one tablespoon per day only. Then no more until the next day. Never allow him to have constant access to them. Allowing a piggy to fill up on nuggets/pellets which cause them to not eat enough hay and consequently will cause poor gut health (by allowing the wrong type of bacteria to take over and it isn’t the fibre a piggy gut needs) poor dental health risking overgrown teeth (hay and fresh grass are the only foods which wear their constantly growing teeth properly). It will cause too much calcium in the diet and risks bladder stone formation and the white pee spots you are seeing. It will also cause unhealthy weight gain and ultimately can be life shortening.
The more hay and grass and less of everything else the healthier a piggy will be.

My piggies do get some pellets/nuggets but each piggy gets about 8-10 pellets. I also only give them pellets/nuggets just 2 times a week in summer and 3 times a week in winter.

His veg part of the diet doesn’t sound good either.
Carrots are high sugar and shouldn’t be fed often if at all. They will cause digestive issues. You can give one very small piece once a week only. Mine get carrot once or twice a year.

The best way to provide a good balanced diet with all the nutrients he needs is to give plenty of leafy green veg. A diet consisting of lettuce, a few sprigs of coriander, some bell pepper and a chunk of cucumber will prices him with all the micronutrients he needs, including his important vitamin c needs. While there is vit c in every veg mostly giving him carrots and cucumbers means his diet is not balanced and he is likely missing out on a few other nutrients.

Water - please be careful with bottled water, some is very high in calcium and should not be fed to piggies. The best thing is to get a brita (or other brand) water filter and filter it yourself to use for him.

This is our diet guide

Long Term Balanced General And Special Needs Guinea Pig Diets

If he is not eating hay, then you must syringe feed him. 5ml at a sitting is probably enough for him in one go but he needs at least 60ml per day. The less he takes at each sitting the more sittings you need to do. So if he takes 5ml at a sitting you could need to sit and do it 12 times a day.
Not many piggies like the anise flavour - please try a different one or use mushed pellets.

All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre

Are you weighing him every morning? That is absolutely essential so you can know he is getting enough. If he isn’t getting enough food and stops pooping then he risks going into stasis.

Weight - Monitoring and Management

In terms of possible bloating, please return to the vet again if you suspect bloat. It is a very painful condition and if he has it will require good painkillers and gut motility medication.

Please read all the green links I added through this post. They explain every more fully

Digestive Disorders: Not Eating - Diarrhea - Bloat - GI Stasis (No Gut Movement)
Today i received his Emeraid cc. He loooves it so much that getting the syringe out of his mouth is a strugle.

Today i noticed that he is squinting his eyes while peeing, so I think that's the problem. Ill try to get an appointment for tomorrow. I just pray that its not a stone. If it was UTI shouldn't the Baytril have cleared it by now.
In mean time I gave him 2ml of grape watter, because i though he might be mildly bloated.I don't know if that will be of much help though.
Bad thing is I run out of metacam. Is there something i could do to ease his pain until we go to the vet. He is not whining or anything like that. If he was I was going to go to the emergency vet now. He not squinting his eyes always when he pees. He didn't eat hay at all today, but he drank a lot of watter.

I don't think his pee is gritty. Is the Emeraid good cc feed. On one of those links it said that it low in fiber or something like that. Do i try a different one,but he likes that so much?

Also a weird question, when he is laying quite often he pushes himself backwards,like he pushes his but backwards, would that be just a weird thing he does or it could be related to UTI problem.
Emeraid is absolutely fine.

It can take 7-10 days of a course of antibiotic to cure a UTI, sometimes longer. So while an antibiotic takes a few says to start working it can take considerably longer before it is fully dealt with.
It can also be the case that baytril isn’t the right antibiotic.

Whether he has bloat or a UTI, he needs a painkiller. There is nothing you can do without it. Please speak to your vet about getting some more if you think he is in pain.

You can’t assume him squinting his eyes is to do with him having a UTI.

Have you been weighing him each morning?
If he isn’t eating hay at all it is absolutely essential you get at least 60ml of syringe feed into him and those weight checks are the only way to know he has had enough
Emeraid is absolutely fine.

It can take 7-10 days of a course of antibiotic to cure a UTI, sometimes longer. So while an antibiotic takes a few says to start working it can take considerably longer before it is fully dealt with.
It can also be the case that baytril isn’t the right antibiotic.

Whether he has bloat or a UTI, he needs a painkiller. There is nothing you can do without it. Please speak to your vet about getting some more if you think he is in pain.

You can’t assume him squinting his eyes is to do with him having a UTI.

Have you been weighing him each morning?
If he isn’t eating hay at all it is absolutely essential you get at least 60ml of syringe feed into him and those weight checks are the only way to know he has had enou
The vet said he is bloated. But that there is not an obstruction, otherwise she would have injected him. But other than that he is fine. His internal temp is fine as well 37.3. When i mentioned the straining the vet said that if he has infection the baytril would clear it out and she said the his pee is white, because he is not drinking much water. She said to keep giving him cucumbers because they have fiber and lots of water, which is good cause he s not drinking much. Also no metacam, she said that it may damage his kidneys if he takes it more than 3 days. She said that he might be straining because of the baytril.

Little guy keeps me on my toes. I had an appointment for Monday,but i felt his lump bigger today so I brought him. His weight seem fine fluctuating between 980-1000. Is there something i can do to help him with his gas problem. I gave 2 ml of gripe watter today and he will get a car ride. I am also massaging him. Ill also buy the brita watter filter today.
The vet said he is bloated. But that there is not an obstruction, otherwise she would have injected him. But other than that he is fine. His internal temp is fine as well 37.3. When i mentioned the straining the vet said that if he has infection the baytril would clear it out and she said the his pee is white, because he is not drinking much water. She said to keep giving him cucumbers because they have fiber and lots of water, which is good cause he s not drinking much. Also no metacam, she said that it may damage his kidneys if he takes it more than 3 days. She said that he might be straining because of the baytril.

Little guy keeps me on my toes. I had an appointment for Monday,but i felt his lump bigger today so I brought him. His weight seem fine fluctuating between 980-1000. Is there something i can do to help him with his gas problem. I gave 2 ml of gripe watter today and he will get a car ride. I am also massaging him. Ill also buy the brita watter filter today.
About his lice as i mentioned he started to scratch himself again so I told her and she said she didn't see any lice on him and that they can treat him for that in a month if needed.
The vet said he is bloated. But that there is not an obstruction, otherwise she would have injected him. But other than that he is fine. His internal temp is fine as well 37.3. When i mentioned the straining the vet said that if he has infection the baytril would clear it out and she said the his pee is white, because he is not drinking much water. She said to keep giving him cucumbers because they have fiber and lots of water, which is good cause he s not drinking much. Also no metacam, she said that it may damage his kidneys if he takes it more than 3 days. She said that he might be straining because of the baytril.

Little guy keeps me on my toes. I had an appointment for Monday,but i felt his lump bigger today so I brought him. His weight seem fine fluctuating between 980-1000. Is there something i can do to help him with his gas problem. I gave 2 ml of gripe watter today and he will get a car ride. I am also massaging him. Ill also buy the brita watter filter today.

If he is bloated then he needs pain killers and possibly gut medication.
Gripe water can help but only if it is very mild bloat. Gripe water will do nothing if the bloat is more severe.

His pee is white because of calcium excretion. Piggies drink what they need so if he isn’t dehydrated then he is drinking enough.

It is also totally not the case that he can take metacam for only three days. Many of us, myself included, have had animals on metacam for long term pain management - months or years in some cases for things like sterile cystitis or arthritis. (I had a rabbit on metacam due to arthritis for five months before I had to have him pts due to old age. I also had a guinea pig on pain killers last week. He took it for 7 days).
If he has bloat and is in pain then he needs painkillers.

If he is bloated then he should not be eating any vegetables. Please read the guides I linked in - a bloated piggy needs to have veg removed from their diet to allow the gut to recover.

I know it’s hard to find a vet in your area but I think you should see if you can.

Please do not preventively treat for parasites if he doesn’t have them. It can lead to resistance.