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Guinea pig cough


New Born Pup
Dec 27, 2019
Reaction score
Hi all,
We have a one year old Guinea Pig, Pigmund Freud, Who seems to have developed a very loud, very violent cough after a particularly virulent session of eating his brothers hair a few days ago.
The cough is extremely random, seeming to happen about once in a 24 hour period (I’m up with him most at of the night and have never heard it then) Shocking both us and Pigmund (AKA Sig). We’ve noticed he is more likely to cough when being held, and we’re wondering whether this is because he spends his whole time loudly chirping, and whether the hair that is irritating his throat is exacerbated by this.
He has literally no other symptoms, runs around free-range in a large room, is eating and drinking plenty, has a dry nose, no respiratory symptoms, is playing relentlessly and wheeking like we’re not trying to work from home on video calls 😂
I’m fairly certain he’s irritated his throat with his favourite hair-eating pastime- but would welcome thoughts on whether this is likely to be the case, and any solutions! We’re obviously desperate to avoid his having to attend the vet for anything anaesthetic-based procedure if at all possible.
Thanks in advance.
I can only suggest a vet check. You need to be certain what is going on and it’s not something we can tell you, only a vet can do that via a hands on check
Yes best see the vet if you are concerned, they can easily check if he has anything stuck in his mouth and throat, and listen to his breathing with a stethoscope, without any sedation.