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guinea pig gender help

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They definitely have a little button at the bottom

They sure do. My Maddie's bits were questionable as an adult but she was def a sow.

I am positive these babies are little girls, however, i will say i'm not an expert :))
ok not wanting to sound daft but surely the VET should know enough to be able to sex a guinea pig? surely i am not the only one to find this very odd

i thought girls but not sure....
My vet mis-sexed Jensen as did I and because I've pulled him up on it he said he had a new policy about not giving an opinion on gender until they were 6 weeks...he's probably just annoyed I pulled him up....
My vet mis-sexed Jensen as did I and because I've pulled him up on it he said he had a new policy about not giving an opinion on gender until they were 6 weeks...he's probably just annoyed I pulled him up....

I think you're right there Kira :)

Have you got pics of Jensen when he was small to compare to these 2?
they look just like Velvet and Onyx's little girls 'bits' :red

can you push down lightly on the top of the Y and see if anything 'pops' out?
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ooooh that is a good idea! I have a thread on here with Jensens bits...*hunts for it*

Edit: http://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=37830 found it! and they are TOTALLY different!

thank you so much for the idea Niki!

On that pic you can def tell Jensen is a boy. How old is he on that pic & how old are the babies? Similar ages? I only ask as don't want there to be an error :)
On that pic you can def tell Jensen is a boy. How old is he on that pic & how old are the babies? Similar ages? I only ask as don't want there to be an error :)

he was....7 weeks in that picture
ooh so quite a bit older as these two are only three weeks....
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