Guinea Pig Hay

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 11, 2015
Reaction score
Manchester UK
I live in the UK and was wondering what brand of hay I should feed to my guinea pigs. Unfortunately I won't be able to get it from a farm as I don't live anywhere near one. I was thinking about getting Burgess Excel Herbage but can guinea pigs have that all the time? There was also Burgess fresh forage but it said for rabbits on the packaging. Is that ok to feed to your guinea pig?

ideally feed both meadow and timothy all the time. i get hay from the following sites:

hay for pets
the hay experts

:agr: With OP - above websites are very good.

my trio won't touch Burgess hays.
If you need to buy from a shop , a lot of people like the hay from The Range.

I sometimes buy Alfalfa King Timothy hay -it's a nice hay rack hay -but too coarse for bedding
I buy Timothy hay from a brand called Alfalfa King, and I also use Lunnun dust-free meadow hay. Lunnun is their staple but Timothy is highly nutritious for them so I add that too.
Every few days I give them a hand full of Reddigrass.They love that!

I read against the idea of using herbage hay all the time, something about too much calcium, but perhaps someone could be more specific?

I'm not trying to suggestmy suggestions are better than those brands mentioned, but I'm pleased with them (as are my piggies) so it gives more options for you :)

Re Alfalfa King hay being course - it depends on what time of year it's been cut. It either tends to be soft and springy or coarse. My current lot is coarse, but my previous bags were soft :)
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I love hayforpets and so do my pigs, I get the ings hay and its lovely soft long strands. They will even abandon veggies in their bowl to dive into a fresh pile :)
My piggies have a variety of meadow and timothy hay from various places. Shops and websites.

Do you have a B and M bargains near you? They sell Timothy hay with marigold and dandelion and it's only £1.99 for a small bale. My pigs love that.

I also get meadow hay from my local pet shop that doesn't sell animals. The hay is lovely and soft. I can also vouch for meadow hay from the range and B and M bargains.
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