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Guinea pigs chewed wire


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 28, 2019
Reaction score
Hello, my Guinea pigs have chewed some of the wire from the security camera next to their cage. They have been eating and drinking but I’m worried since they chewed it to extent that the camera doesn’t work anymore so they didn’t just eat the plastic covering. I don’t know how the other wiring will affect them.image.jpg
Oh dear, piggies can and will chew everything withing reach! I think the biggest danger here would have been electric shock or an electrical fire starting after they exposed the wires, luckily you have avoided that! I think they have probably damaged but not actually ingested the metal part, just eaten a bit of the plastic... keep a close eye on them for 24 hours and any sign of discomfort see a vet, hopefully what they have swallowed will pass through their guts ok x
Piggies are plastic addicts and they are wired to explore the world by chewing (seeing that they don't have a vomit reflex, like all rodents).

Always make sure that any cables and plastic is out of reach and keep an eye out on things like wallpaper, carpets, radiator insulation thread etc. if you allow them to free roam.

I would not worry too much as thankfully, the charge in the cable has not been fatal.
I had a piggy Meemee who chewed my old laptop cord and it ended up covered with a lot of electric tape. 🤦‍♀️ My piggies are free roam so it's easy for them to chew everything. Meemee stopped trying eventually. But my other past piggy Cookie would try to chew the carpet, chair, table, etc. I always had to stop her doing it. The only thing she didn't try to chew are the laptop cords. 😁