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Hair Loss And Vet Visit - What To Expect?

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New Born Pup
Nov 10, 2014
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hey guys!

about a week ago my boyfriend noticed a few bald patches around the neck of one if my sows. seeing as the exposed skin was not irritated from what I could see, I changed her bedding and decided to keep a close eye on her over the next few days. she was also eating, pooping and acting like her usual spunky self. I should mention she lives with her sister, and nothing in their diet, cage, etc has recently changed.
it's only been over the past few days that her hair loss has been dramatically worse. so I booked an appointment asap for Thursday afternoon. she is still eating and acting normal, and there is no signs of hair loss or irritation on her sister. I'm not sure what to expect once I get to the vet. what is the process the vet with likely take me through? also, was it a bad call to see the bald patches initially and just watch it to see if it got worse? (which it did) or should I have taken her in right away. I feel bad for letting it get to this point, and all I want is for my piggy to be a healthy happy girl. any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

Hello, Definate vets visit needed could be the start of mites or a fungal infection. Any flakeness of the skin or cuts etc?
Hello, Definate vets visit needed could be the start of mites or a fungal infection. Any flakeness of the skin or cuts etc?
none from what I can see. I've examined all the bare patches and her skin seems normal other than the fact fur is missing.
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