Hamster People - Help

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 27, 2010
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Our syrian Summer is just over one and has developed very rapid breathing. She went to the vets last week and there seems to be nothing on her chest but we were given Baytril in case it is an infection. She is ok in herself and eating well but isn't as lively and has lost weight. We are getting her another appointment but I was wondering if anyone had any ideas. A heart issue even came to mind and I asked on Hamster Central but no-one really knows. I am wondering if she is shutting down which I really hope not as she is still young.
Has the breathing improved? She may just be off from the baytril.

If not id get her rechecked again.. Maybe the chest infection isnt clearing.

Offer her lots of goodies.. Porridge oats made up into a mulch with warm water and a little honey added went down a treat with my old boys when they developed issues. And your usual nuts and seeds.. Pine nuts are great for putting weight on them, and they usually adore them.

I hope she rallies round x
Thanks Adelle. I would say if anything the breathing is worse. She has eaten her veg overnight though and been through her food. Will mix her up some Porridge.
Rapid breathing in hamsters can suggest pain. Is she neutered? Or is she having discharge from her vagina? Is her temp normal or raised as far as you can tell?

My hamster had similar symptoms (rapid breathing), vet couldn't find anything but she eventually had discharge from her vagina, suggesting open pyometra.

May be worth asking about an x-ray if possible, as pyometra can be closed also and that's the type that becomes dangerous very quickly. Worth a shot as it is very common in female hamsters unfortunately :(
Rapid breathing in hamsters can suggest pain. Is she neutered? Or is she having discharge from her vagina? Is her temp normal or raised as far as you can tell?

My hamster had similar symptoms (rapid breathing), vet couldn't find anything but she eventually had discharge from her vagina, suggesting open pyometra.

May be worth asking about an x-ray if possible, as pyometra can be closed also and that's the type that becomes dangerous very quickly. Worth a shot as it is very common in female hamsters unfortunately :(

Not sure about the temperature but will get the vet to check. We had another hamster with Pyometra a few years ago. Didn't see any discharge last night when I had her out but will get the vet to have a look aswell. That's something I hadn't considered so thank you. She has had this for over a week though, would Pyometra have kicked in by now if it was that?
Summer has the vets tonight but she is a lot brighter after having pain relief last night. She even had a run in the hall and was being her usual naughty self. Just need to find out what is causing the pain now though.
Summer saw the vet last night, was a new one but our usual vet had briefed her. She was actually expecting the worst, but Summer on Metacam is a very lively and happy hamster. We have agreed to keep her on it for 5 days and then reassess. If there is no change then we will look at attempting an xray to check for Pyometra. She was back bar chewing last night which is normal for her. That was straight after the vets, then she wanted to go for a run. Little fighter bless her.
Not sure about the temperature but will get the vet to check. We had another hamster with Pyometra a few years ago. Didn't see any discharge last night when I had her out but will get the vet to have a look aswell. That's something I hadn't considered so thank you. She has had this for over a week though, would Pyometra have kicked in by now if it was that?

If it was closed Pyo that wasn't very progressed you probably wouldn't be noticing many symptoms, closed pyo tends to be asymptomatic apart from subtle behavioral changes and temp, etc. I'm sure as she's still bright though that it isn't that, always worth a check however!

Summer saw the vet last night, was a new one but our usual vet had briefed her. She was actually expecting the worst, but Summer on Metacam is a very lively and happy hamster. We have agreed to keep her on it for 5 days and then reassess. If there is no change then we will look at attempting an xray to check for Pyometra. She was back bar chewing last night which is normal for her. That was straight after the vets, then she wanted to go for a run. Little fighter bless her.

That's great to hear! Hopefully she's on the mend x
Aww I hope Summer picks up @helen105281 from what you've told me about her she sounds like a cheeky little madam.

There was a video on Youtube I saw in regards to a hamster have breathing difficulties, the person used some of herbal thing and it help the hamster breath better but I can't think what it was she was using, not that I'd tell you to use it without making sure with a vet first!
Just saw this. I hope Summer is feeling better. Sounds a lot more positive? They are such adorable furries are'nt they? Do you have any pictures of her.

I dread my girl getting sick, she hates anyone unknown touching her and gets very very stressed in strange places. I think I'd have to call the vet out to me!
I adore hamsters! I only have one now... And two piggies:)

What substrate is Summer on? Could she have developed an allergic reaction?

Just a thought.

I use Fitch or Megazorb with my hammies... And Fitch with the piggies
Rapid breathing in hamsters can suggest pain. Is she neutered? Or is she having discharge from her vagina? Is her temp normal or raised as far as you can tell?

My hamster had similar symptoms (rapid breathing), vet couldn't find anything but she eventually had discharge from her vagina, suggesting open pyometra.

May be worth asking about an x-ray if possible, as pyometra can be closed also and that's the type that becomes dangerous very quickly. Worth a shot as it is very common in female hamsters unfortunately :(
My hamster has pyometra, the vet almost cleared it up but now it hasn't got any better, she's 2 1/2 so she's a good age. Sleeps a lot but eats & eats, so I know she's ok at the mo.
Thanks Adelle. I would say if anything the breathing is worse. She has eaten her veg overnight though and been through her food. Will mix her up some Porridge.
Pyometra shouldn't cause breathing problems take her back to the vet I hope summer is gonna recover. Best thing is if the goes off her food try baby food mine were all on it at the end.
We have been backwards and forwards to the vets for the last few weeks, she is on a heart med trial but so far no real improvement breathing wise but she is eating ok and maintaining weight. Will make sure we have baby food in case though.
My hamsters all love porridge oats soaked in water. They have fresh green herbs regularly too. Baby food sounds like a good plan. Hope Summer remains comfortable for as long as possible.
Sadly we lost Summer last night, found that she had gone in her sleep. I was going to make an appointment to get her next lot of meds and discuss PTS today but she made the decision for us.
I am sorry that you lost Summer, l was interested to read this as l have noticed my hamster breathing faster than usual this evening. I will get her checked out asap.
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