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Happy Birthday Skyexxx

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Aww! Thank you everyone! :D not the best start! lol vet appointment first thing for £83! oh dear! :/ lol but all uphill from here and piggies are happy! Although so far for my birthday my piggies have sneezed in my face and pooped on me! lol :D Nice presents!
Happy birthday Skye, I hope the rest of your day is going well :) remember things happen in three's a poop. Sneeze and a...........? ;)
Wheeks from my boys too.
lol @A&T you are right a wee would be worse! and @MycuteBoys you are also right thers is time yet! :D Gotta take them out for some cuddles before i'm away out again so you never know! :D hehe! and really thank you to everyone! :) wasn't expecting this when i came on today! :D Doing my best wheek impression back to all the piggies! :D
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