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Hard Lump Under Chin

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New Born Pup
May 19, 2015
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Hello all, I would really appreciate a bit of help. My Guinea Marley has a hard lump under her chin/ on her chest. She is fine in herself, eating and running around but I've taken her to the vet to be safe. The vet says we need to have the lump removed and checked which will cost up to £400! Does that sound right?

Many thanks in advance

I have found my March 2014 vet bill for removal of a large abscess underneath my guinea pig's chin. For the day of the operation the bill was £312.06.
The vet had to do an operation as he was unable to empty the abscess and it was so big it would have effected the guinea pigs ability to eat.
It was a major operation to remove the lump.
Whereabouts are you based?

That does seem very expensive.
In Exeter, Devon he did say that was with the maxium highest doses etc so it may not be quite so much. It cost £70 to send the lump away to be checked apparently...
Did the vet say what the lump might be?
Is it deep, or at skin level? Has your vet prescribed Marley any medication?

20 questions! :)
Haha that's ok! He's not sure, he tried to take a sample but Marley wouldn't stay still! He thinks it could be a fatty lump or a tumour, you can sort of move it so I think it's skin level it doesn't seem to cause her any pain if you push it. No medication I'm just supposed to bring her in on Tuesday morning and collect her at the end of the day
Slightly concerned that the vet couldn't manage to hold Marley to take a sample. It might suggest that the vet isn't too guinea pig savvy. I would be inclined to seek a second opinion.

There are several questions that you should ask before anyone operates on Marley:
How experienced are they with operating on piggies?
How many of this type of operation have they done? Success rate?
What type of anaesthetic with they be using? Injectable or gas? (Gas is preferable for use in pigs).

If the lump turns out to be an abscess, the most effective antibiotic by far is Zithromax. However, it is not licenced for use in pigs, so many vets will not prescribe it. It might be worth asking if they would be willing to do so, so you have all the info you need.
I have found my March 2014 vet bill for removal of a large abscess underneath my guinea pig's chin. For the day of the operation the bill was £312.06.
The vet had to do an operation as he was unable to empty the abscess and it was so big it would have effected the guinea pigs ability to eat.
It was a major operation to remove the lump.
Thank you, sorry I missed this earlier. Not far off then!
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