Has Burgess Excell Changed?

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Julie M

Forum Donator 2023/24
Jun 9, 2014
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My piggies used to LOVE burgess excell nuggets. However now they have stopped eating them and hardly touched them. This has happened since the packaging has changed. It's strange as it says on the packet same great recipie. Yet my boys have gone right off it. I got them harringtons guinea pig food the other day and I now have empty bowls every day. It's weird.
My piggies used to LOVE burgess excell nuggets. However now they have stopped eating them and hardly touched them. This has happened since the packaging has changed. It's strange as it says on the packet same great recipie. Yet my boys have gone right off it. I got them harringtons guinea pig food the other day and I now have empty bowls every day. It's weird.

Hmmm, we switched completely to Harrington's after Miss Moo passed. Harrington's are a huge hit with our girls.
Ohh this'll be interesting to find out mine have been on harrington's but the farm shop i go to was outta stock so i picked up some burgess excel blackcurrant ones as an alternative.

I tipped them into the containers i normally keep their nuggets in and the first thing i noticed was that they had changed their shape again. They smell the same.

But I'll let you know how they go down with the piggies this week! :)
I remarked in a shop about how it says Mint on the new Excel packaging. A member of staff told me that Excel have always had mint in them, just never said so on the packet before. So the pellets should be the same.
I'm guessing they have changed them, piggies are hardly eating any of them at the moment, which is strange because these use to be their favourite! Why do they have to change things.... :td:

Hopefully they'll start to eat them once they realize there's nothing else but if they really won't I'll have to go buy Harrington's again, which the piggies love!
Well my 2 are happy with the harringtons so I think I will be sticking with that for now. Also it says no added sugar on harringtons which is good.

I agree it's annoying when they change things. "If it ain't broke don't fix it!" That's what I say. Lol.
Well my 2 are happy with the harringtons so I think I will be sticking with that for now. Also it says no added sugar on harringtons which is good.

I agree it's annoying when they change things. "If it ain't broke don't fix it!" That's what I say. Lol.

So true, yeah harringtons is a big hit with all six of mine, they really enjoy them.
Mine spit them out - used to love them- whats strange is that they don't share cages and yet all 4 now dislike them!
Lol. My 2 won't even eat them anymore. Just leave them in the dish. And my 2 usually love their food. Lol
I have never bought the blackcurrant and oregano nuggets. However I have given them the blackcurrant and oregano "food cubes" omg what a mess they make. Lol.
4 out of my 6 piggles have given in, hopefully the last 2 will as well!

It was nice to see some empty bowls this morning.... :P

But i will be going to Harrington's when this bag is used up.
I remarked in a shop about how it says Mint on the new Excel packaging. A member of staff told me that Excel have always had mint in them, just never said so on the packet before. So the pellets should be the same.
My guinea pigs dont particularly like the mint ones but they love the blackcurrant and oregano and haven't gone off them and the mint packaging has always said mint on it as well.
Started my 2 GPs on Burgess Excell, as recommended by friend/vetenery nurse. I've only had my 2 girls a month, but I can say they definitely prefer the recalcitrant to the mint. Once I've used up all of the Burgess nuggets, I'll try them with some other brand. Harringtons, going by the comments on here!
Mine weren't too keen before the packaging changed! We used to feed them the ones with the larger pellets, they're now small pellets. Since the change of packaging, they can't get enough! They empty the bowls very quickly, in fact I have to stop myself filling it up every time they empty it in case I over feed! Brilliant food though!
Mine have always loved the mint ones, but I've just bought a jumbo-sized bag and all of a sudden they don't seem that fussed. I don't give them that much but they haven't finished a bowl from the new bag yet :(
My piggies used to LOVE burgess excell nuggets. However now they have stopped eating them and hardly touched them. This has happened since the packaging has changed. It's strange as it says on the packet same great recipie. Yet my boys have gone right off it. I got them harringtons guinea pig food the other day and I now have empty bowls every day. It's weird.
my two boys still enjoy even tho packet changed but handsome and pretty ( hamsters) have refused point blank to eat the dwarf supreme excel food!
I have just changed onto a new bag of the blackcurrant and oregano this week, one of my pigs is not touching it so having to do some new gp food shopping tomorrow! Think I'll be trying Harrington's.
That's odd that so many piggies have gone off them.

I use Harringtons. My girls love it. :)
I went to the Burgess Small Animal Show (I know frowned on here but I get a load of guinea pig stuff from there including cheaper Dust Free Hay). The Burgess stall was giving out free samples of their Excel Nuggests with Blackcurrant and Oregano. I said I didn't want any as they contained sugar. I was told they are a new receipe without sugar. I have just got the free sample out now to read with my magnifying glass and it does say unmolassed sugar beet pulp. I wonder if this is why guinea pigs are having issues with the new receipe
Ahh thanks for telling us. that's interesting. Maybe that explains it. They know there's no added sugar. It's like someone offering us an apple as a replacement for a choccy biccie. Lol. :yikes:
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