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Hay storAge


New Born Pup
Apr 4, 2019
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I keep my hay in the bag it comes in, but I’m worried that it will hurt my piggie. What should I do?
I use a plastic storage bin for my meadow hay and the American Timothy I get from dustfreehay I keep in the cardboard boxes it comes in.
When my local farm runs out of hay (as has just happened and I have 1 and a half hay bales left) and I have to buy hay in nasty single use plastic, instead of storing the hay in my nice reusable hay bale bags, I keep the hay in the nasty single use plastic until I have used it and it doesn't do my piggies any harm. Although thinking about it I could keep it in my nice reusable hay bale bags and chuck the nasty plastic away. Still doesn't get around the fact that the hay still comes wrapped in the nasty single use plastic though. Oh well!
I store mine in the bags it comes in. I haven’t got anything else and find it easier to handle. I poke a few small holes in the plastic though to try to let some air in.
I keep my hay in a laundry linen basket, I find it easier to use than wrestling it out the bag and making a mess
I keep my bales in both metal and plastic garbage cans from the hardware store. Works great!
I've always kept my hay in the packaging it came in. If you want to transfer it, though, you could use bins/containers
I keep my bale in a large garden storage box, and another small bag B&M dandelion and marigold in an old pillow case