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Head tilt


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 12, 2019
Reaction score
Llundain, Cymru
I noticed that Chips had a head tilt this morning and was slightly subdued. Closer inspection his left ear is a bit redder than the right so off to the vet in a couple of hours. Typically he only went in for a check up on Friday and the GP vet isn’t in today. Have given him some Metacam left over from the bunnies (in date) to help with the wait (vet approved). 🤞
Hoping it’s just an outer ear infection. Vet noticed a pale patch on the ear, possibly a burst capillary. No sign of infection in the ear canal. Baytril for 2 weeks plus Metacam. Not enjoying the Baytril - will have to research how to make it more palatable- next due 1am!
I'm afraid I have no advice on the baytril as Dignified Sir George is a weirdo and likes it. Also Mischievous Master Boris loves ANYTHING from a syringe as he is also a weirdo 😂
Just had a follow up check and although the ear is improving and no head tilt he’s lost 100g, is a chewing the correx and we found a lump on his back. Going back on Sunday morning so he can have some local anaesthetic before they take a needle to the lump and possibly a sample from his ear. Will start syringe feeding him to supplement though he is eating. 🤞🙁
Just had a follow up check and although the ear is improving and no head tilt he’s lost 100g, is a chewing the correx and we found a lump on his back. Going back on Sunday morning so he can have some local anaesthetic before they take a needle to the lump and possibly a sample from his ear. Will start syringe feeding him to supplement though he is eating. 🤞🙁

I am glad that his ear is improving. Yes, please offer supplement feed. Eating may still be a little painful but you can see whether he would like to eat his top up from a bowl outside the cage rather than take it from a syringe.
Just had a follow up check and although the ear is improving and no head tilt he’s lost 100g, is a chewing the correx and we found a lump on his back. Going back on Sunday morning so he can have some local anaesthetic before they take a needle to the lump and possibly a sample from his ear. Will start syringe feeding him to supplement though he is eating. 🤞🙁
I hope it’s something easily treatable. Good luck. 🤞🏻
PS: Please monitor by weighing on your kitchen scales first thing in the morning for best day to dy comparison. This will give you up to date information and allows you to plan the appropriate level of support for the coming day - and when you can stop it. ;)
PS: Please monitor by weighing on your kitchen scales first thing in the morning for best day to dy comparison. This will give you up to date information and allows you to plan the appropriate level of support for the coming day - and when you can stop it. ;)
Thank you. We normally weigh in the evening after veggies but agree that this should reduce some of the variability.
Thank you. We normally weigh in the evening after veggies but agree that this should reduce some of the variability.
The weight tends to swing in a ca. 30-40g band over the course of 24 hours but it is lowest in the early morning. Tha also gives you are more honest review when a piggy is very ill. You cannot do too much in the evening since you need to sleep and rest if you want to stay the distance, so the morning gives you a better launch pad to plan for the next 24 hours and to adjust your feeding support accordingly - and that is actually a sliding scale as soon as your piggy is still eating a bit or is recovering.
Slowly adding weight in the mornings - 8 grams yesterday and another 17 grams to this morning with him lapping a couple of teaspoons of oxbow supp formula 2-3 times a day. Still doesn’t seem 100% but another 5 days of Baytril and vet appointment on Sunday morning.
Slowly adding weight in the mornings - 8 grams yesterday and another 17 grams to this morning with him lapping a couple of teaspoons of oxbow supp formula 2-3 times a day. Still doesn’t seem 100% but another 5 days of Baytril and vet appointment on Sunday morning.

All the best. At least he is holding his weight.
Stabilised at 1305g the last two mornings. Vet said to stop the Baytril as ear looking fine and he needs to get his appetite up and healthier plops as a priority. Still squeaking when weeing/pooing despite Metacam so may need an alternative pain relief medicine. Lump on his rear isn’t a cyst - ideally she would remove it but not unless/until he’s fully fit. Possibly still a very slight head tilt but no indication of ear infection or pain. 🤞
Lost weight this morning so back on oxbow. Seemed ok during the day and eating plenty of grass at lawn time. Not really interested in veggies tonight though and needed to syringe feed as not interested in eating it himself 🙁. Vet due to prescribe alternative meds tomorrow so will be on first thing in the morning and more oxbow before then. 🤞🙏
Was very worried at 3.30am feed - struggled to get 3ml in but a bit brighter this morning and more receptive to the syringe. Lost another 20g but was expecting worse. Will update the vet as soon as they open.