Healing Wheeks For A Very Poorly Nellie

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Feb 17, 2011
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Nellie would very much appreciate it if you could all send healing wheeks her way, as she is a very poorly piggy :(

Nellie very suddenly became ill on Friday, and is now on antibiotics and painkillers for a nasty kidney infection, and had to have fluids injected. I'm very worried about her, as she is so very poorly :(
Massive healing wheeks on there way and massive hugs to you too... :hug:
Oh no that sounds awful! Healing wheeks being sent.
Please ask about diuretics. it may not be an appropriate treatment in this case and the vet has probably thought of all angles, but sometimes kidney infections can cause water retention, leading to pressure on the heart, and in some cases of kidney disease diuretics help with this pressure, but please only if the vet thinks it's appropriate.
Again lots of healing wheeks and vibes to Nellie. Keep strong Nellie, be a tough-cookie please x
Big overflowing bucketfulls of healing wheeks & vibes coming your way :tu:
fingers & paws all crossed for a speedy recovery Nelly :nod:

Thank you for all the messages <3 poor Nellie still doesn't seem much brighter, and she hates the syringe so much, but she's not eating or drinking so she has to have it. Makes me feel horrible because she really fights me.

Oh no that sounds awful! Healing wheeks being sent.
Please ask about diuretics. it may not be an appropriate treatment in this case and the vet has probably thought of all angles, but sometimes kidney infections can cause water retention, leading to pressure on the heart, and in some cases of kidney disease diuretics help with this pressure, but please only if the vet thinks it's appropriate.
Again lots of healing wheeks and vibes to Nellie. Keep strong Nellie, be a tough-cookie please x

I'll ask about that, thank you. She has an appointment booked for Wednesday but if she's still like she is just now I think she's going to have to be admitted, sooner. But I'm hoping there'll be some kind of improvement tomorrow, last time she was on antibiotics I saw an improvement on second day.
Has Nellie been Xrayed? If she hasn't and is having trouble urinating I'd recommend getting her Xrayed. As stone's can really put piggies off there food.

Healing wheeks to Nellie, I hope she gets better soon! X
Lots of healing wheeks! Theres nothing worse than looking after a piggy who is really struggling :(
Sending lots of vibes and love to Nellie. How is she doing today?
Has Nellie been Xrayed? If she hasn't and is having trouble urinating I'd recommend getting her Xrayed. As stone's can really put piggies off there food.

Healing wheeks to Nellie, I hope she gets better soon! X

Nellie was too poorly for an X-ray on Saturday, we're hoping she will have picked up a bit to have an x-Ray Wednesday, if not then it's just a case of waiting until she is.

Sending lots of vibes and love to Nellie. How is she doing today?

She is a little brighter in herself, although she is still not eating or drinking. I've been wrestling with her all day to try and get food and water into her, but she's a feisty little madam and it's proving difficult - I don't think she's getting anywhere near enough food :( I'm also worried about what kind of state her teeth will be in if she's not eating hay and stuff. I thought at one point today she was going to eat some of the food I put in her bowl, but she sniffed it and have it a nudge, and then backed off.

She's also suffering from the side effects of the antibiotics: diarrhoea. I've been giving her probiotics with her syringe feeds, and I made her some poop-soup today with a little help from Elma.

I hate seeing her so poorly, I feel so useless, especially as I'm struggling to feed her.
Don't feel useless. You are doing your best. Keep at it with trying the syringing. Sometimes the little furry ones eventually give in if you are firm but gentle! Healing hugs x
Goodness, she sounds like she's having a terrible time. Perhaps if she's terribly poorly the vet may consider Xraying without Ga. Really hope you get an Xray sorted out soon especially as she's having urinary problems.

She sounds like a little fighter, don't beat yourself up. We can only do our best, over the year's I've had some pig's that are just impossible others lap the food up. It just all depends on the pig. Really hope she feels better soon, it's good news she seems a bit brighter.
Thank you.
Not really much change today - still refusing food and water and still got diarrhoea. I've got to clean her and her bedding several times a day.

Syringe feeding not going any better, she gets more down her chin than in her mouth :(
Oh dear. What an awful time for you both. It's so hard when they don't take the food. xx
How is Nellie doing? Sorry that you are having such a hard time, its awful seeing them so poorly x
I don't want to get my hopes up too much, but Nellie is more active today, and is showing more interest in food.

I've been keeping her in a carry case next to my bed as she's just been so poorly she's barely had the engery to move, but today she hopped out and into the box next to it, and has been having a cautious explore of her surroundings.

I took her outside for a few minutes today to have a little trot around the run. She had the odd nibble of grass but not much. She then spent half an hour with Elma, and attempted to eat some hay during this time.

She's back in with me and sitting on the box next to the carry case. She had one tiny nibble of cucumber, which isn't much, but at least she is trying. She still hasn't eaten by her self since Friday, though, and as her strength (somehow) grows, it is becoming even MORE difficult to feed her. She takes the water more readily than food mix, and she has been weeing a good amount, and the wee isn't as dark as it was.

She still has diarrhoea, although I'm not having to clean up as much today which is a worry as it means not much is coming out. I've also noticed some blood in her urine today.

I'm hoping at the vets this evening she can have more fluids, and perhaps they'll give me some suggestions for feeding her. I still don't think she's up to an x-Ray yet, though.
Some vets can xray without anaesthetic. I'm not sure what the technique is but one of the vets I used could do this. It was a actually a Pets At Home vet (I know - don't bite me!) and got a very clear shot of the anomalies in Shadow's bladder. Could it be worth asking around? x

Still got my fingers crossed for her. xx
I have wondered what is involved when x-raying a guinea pig, because if it was a simple case of sitting them on a plate and capturing an image, I think that's something they could have done easily with Nellie on Friday because she was so lethargic we actually thought she'd had a stroke, but I'm guessing it's not that simple.

I'll let you know what they say this evening!

Nellie is hanging out with Elma again as I think she was a bit bored - she hopped out the carrier, onto the box, and down onto some towels and then tried to eat the carpet!
Our vet does x-rays with a whiff of gas, so they can get a clear picture.Please let us know how she gets on at the vets
Simon is pleased with Nellie's progress. No x-Ray today, we're going to wait until she's finished the antibiotics and recovered from their side effects before we do any imaging.

Simon managed to get a good 10ml of food down her while we were there (how easy it looked!). He also gave her more fluid injections although she's not a dehydrated as she was Friday. Apparently I've not done as bad a job feeding her as I thought - while she has lost 30g since Friday, apparently that is still okay and we are maintaining her weight fairly well. I'm just about to feed her some more - hoping I can get another 10ml in one sitting.

I'm hopeful that we can get her back to her normal, happy self! Then we'll see exactly what's going on in her tummy.
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