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Healthy Weight

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Adult Guinea Pig
Dec 25, 2014
Reaction score
Lancashire, UK

I'm just wondering whether there is any guidance anywhere on healthy guinea pig weights? I've been using my salter kitchen scales to weigh my boys and it seems that hey have gained a bit of weight since their last weigh in. That is assuming I've weighed them correctly lol.

I use a brown pigloo to weigh them in which according to get scales weighs 313 grams which I subtract from the total weigh when they are weighed in it.

On his first weigh in Paddy weighed 807g he now weighs 924g so he has gained 117 grams in weight. Rohan weighed 992g on his first weigh in, he now weighs 1072 grams. So he has gained 80 grams in weight. Are they healthy? The vet said that they were ok when I got them checked, but I've no idea what a healthy weigh actually is. Obviously if they'd have gained weight again at their next weigh in then I'll have to review their diet as don't want them to get fat. They are approximately 12 months old now.

Thanks in advance :)
Thanks for that, now that you've linked me to it I remember seeing that thread a few weeks ago, I just couldn't remember where it was. I'm glad that they are both healthy weights :D
Thanks for that, now that you've linked me to it I remember seeing that thread a few weeks ago, I just couldn't remember where it was. I'm glad that they are both healthy weights :D

You can find it at the top on Daily Care. ;)
yes their weight sounds healthy.... my boy Harley is only 2 yrs old and weighs 1910g lol yep he loves to eat :lol!:

The vet says his gut sounds like a runaway train haha
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