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Hello All, Had An Operation (me Not The Pigs For A Change)

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Lady Kelly

Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
So yesterday it was my turn to be given a GA and an op. It's a similar op to what I had 3 years ago except this time I decided to travel from Leicester to Northampton as the care at Leicester was appalling.The care was a million times better and this time they took proper care to get me back on my feet so not only did the recovery on the day go smoother it also meant I didn't have all the dizzy spells and was allowed to come home the same day.

I'm surprising myself with how much I can do for myself given that I had keyhole surgery on my abdomen, although I had an old lady shuffle whenever I want to move around :)) The pigs are getting spoilt as the OH is taking care of them to stop me moving too much so extra portions for them :P
Great that your op and recovery went smoothly this time! All the best for getting back to your old self soon!
Glad everything went well! Fingers crossed you have a smooth healing process :)
It is great that all went well. I hope that you have a relaxing and painless recovery
Glad all went well, hope you are feeling better soon.
Oh I am glad that it was a better experience! Wishing you speedy healing x
Thanks everyone. I'm not the most patient of patients. Not even home 24 hours and I am so very bored! Just want to get up and do stuff lol!
Wahay! Great news that you're in and out so quickly! :)
Here's to a speedy recovery and see you soon in brum :yahoo: xx
Glad to hear things went well. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Hi Kelly, glad all went well. Take it really easy, you don't want to pull anything as there will be scar tissue (Speaking from experience of hernia surgery) Slowly slowly and you'll be back up and running soon. Hugs x
Oh good luck on the recovery...do take it easy. It's worth it. When you have 'euphoria' days as I call them, when you have energy, don't use it, store it up and will help you heal quicker. I'm an old pro these days...erm no @Tim that isn't a gap for you to get naughty again!
Oh good luck on the recovery...do take it easy. It's worth it. When you have 'euphoria' days as I call them, when you have energy, don't use it, store it up and will help you heal quicker. I'm an old pro these days...erm no @Tim that isn't a gap for you to get naughty again!
Moi ? Naughty ?
Never! :inn:
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