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Help Please... Fifi not eating much

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Feb 20, 2009
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Hi All,

Haven't posted on this forum for a while, purely because I haven't needed to, but tonight (of all nights) Fifi has stopped eating.

I first noticed she wasn't right when I gave her lettuce at 5ish. She was in her house and would normally come out and munch away, but tonight there was no sign of her, so I put some lettuce in her house and she dragged a leaf in and started munching away.

We decided to syringe her some CC at about 7 ish and she took 5mls really well.

She's pooed and wee'd so I'm happy that her gut is working ok.

I've called the emergency vets who have said that we are to carry on giving her CC and should only take her in if she swells up or goes down hill.

I've got a lot more CC down her and will continue to do this overnight and if no improvement will bite the bullet and take her to the emergency vet. As I don't want to leave her until Tuesday without medical attention

I just can't think what is wrong with her. she's had a little more lettuce and nibbled on some brocolli but no where near as much as usual.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
They have such great timing don't they! Poor thing, we'd only be guessing at why she's not eating without seeing her but the most obvious thing to check (which you probably already have) is that her front teeth are all there and she hasn't snapped one off.
Second thing to look for is if she bloated.
Have checked her teeth, all front ones are nice and straight and look good. She's not bloated either I don't think as her poos are well formed and she moves around well on the floor when we put her down therE.S

Have given her some metacam to help with any pain she may be in (thanks Furryfriends for your texts) and will get her to the vets tomorrow.

Between the OH coughing all night, NYE parties and me syringing Fifi don't think that I'll be getting much sleep tonight!

Wishing you and Fifi all the best and hope that she'll hang in there! I agree it's not the night to come down with anything, poor you!
I hope Fifi's just having an off day and she's right as rain tomorrow. Thinking of you xx
I got up at 7 this morning and gave Fifi some more CC which she took really well. Then at 8 whilst I was making a cuppa I gave everyone their breakfast. I was on my way back upstairs and walked past Fifi, who was happily munching her dry food. I kept checking on her and she was by her bowl for at least 45 minutes!
Just come back downstairs and she was back by her food bowl eating away. Have given her some metacam but she seems to be back to her normal self. I can see and here her munching now! I'll keep an eye on her throughout the day and top her up with CC if I feel she needs it. If she's still not right I'll get her to the vets on Tuesday.

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