Help! Vibrating When Being Held?

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Tamara Harvey

New Born Pup
Mar 7, 2015
Reaction score
Hi I was wondering if stone could help me, I'm new to guinea pigs and am still getting used to their sounds. I was wondering if anyone could explain this to me, I never chase my guinea pig around the cage to pick it up, I always wait till he allows my hand to smooth him and then pick him up so he doesn't feel like he's being attacked, he's fine on my lap cwtching for about 10 minutes and then when I feed him treats or food he starts vibrating and making squeeking sounds which sounds like the whining noise to me but he seems calm sat on my lap eating food, then he'll cwtch but make those noises and vibrate for about 10 mins after that, then he attempts to like try hide in my clothes or my arm. Was just wondering if someone could explain what this behaviour means please. Thanks.
Hello and welcome to the forum. If i'm not mistaken it sounds like your piggy is enjoying his lap time. They sound like happy noises, chatting away to himself and to you :)
Hi and welcome!

Generally, your boy sounds very happy. Some piggies will purr similar to cats; it is an intermittent soft vibrating/rumble. A sharp, short rumble signals disppleasure.

Please try to learn to read his sign for when he's had enough or needs to go to the toilet. Some piggies wiggle, others will pull clothing or tweak your skin.

What kinds of treats are you giving him and is he an only piggy or has he got company of his own kind?

With members from all over the world, it would also help us in always giving you the best advice for where you are straight away if you please added your country, state or (for the UK) your county to your details. click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. Thanks!
Hi and welcome!

Generally, your boy sounds very happy. Some piggies will purr similar to cats; it is an intermittent soft vibrating/rumble. A sharp, short rumble signals disppleasure.

Please try to learn to read his sign for when he's had enough or needs to go to the toilet. Some piggies wiggle, others will pull clothing or tweak your skin.

What kinds of treats are you giving him and is he an only piggy or has he got company of his own kind?

With members from all over the world, it would also help us in always giving you the best advice for where you are straight away if you please added your country, state or (for the UK) your county to your details. click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. Thanks!

Hi he does do a soft rumble for a while and then he starts doing the short rumbles which is usually when I put him down, I assumed that was his way of maybe telling me he's had enough caise he doesn't pull or nip at my clothes, he tends to try to just like hide in my arm.
he's an only guinea pig, I only have the 1.
and I've added my details, I'm from Wales btw
Every piggy has its own way to communicate. ;)

It would be great if you considered getting a suitable companion for your boy in the long term although it is sadly not at all easy to match a boy at a rescue in the whole of Wales. :
Every piggy has its own way to communicate. ;)

It would be great if you considered getting a suitable companion for your boy in the long term although it is sadly not at all easy to match a boy at a rescue in the whole of Wales. :
If I got another guinea pig.. male obviously as I don't want babies.. how do yiu introduce them? Because I've heard some just get on instantly but then others take a bit more of introducing before they get on xx
It takes on average about 2 boars to find "Mr Right" when boar dating at a rescue, so I would strongly recommend to also make plans on how you can keep both boys next to each other in case things don't work out between them, especially when they are going through the teenage hormones between 4-14 months of age before they reach a more settled adulthood.

Here are information and tips:
It takes on average about 2 boars to find "Mr Right" when boar dating at a rescue, so I would strongly recommend to also make plans on how you can keep both boys next to each other in case things don't work out between them, especially when they are going through the teenage hormones between 4-14 months of age before they reach a more settled adulthood.

Here are information and tips:
My guinea pig is 11 weeks old and isn't a rescue btw xx I heard the younger theu are the better chance you have of them being friendly xx
My guinea pig is 11 weeks old and isn't a rescue btw xx I heard the younger theu are the better chance you have of them being friendly xx

Young boars generally bond more easily, but then they face the diffcult hormonal teenage months where they develop their adult identities. More baby boar pairs than not make it, but the fall-out rate is pretty high in pairs that are not character matched. In the end, whether you get youngsters or try to match adults via meet&greet before adopting/rescue dating, each boar pair stands and falls on the tricky issue of whether their personalities mesh or not.

Where in Wales are you?
Young boars generally bond more easily, but then they face the diffcult hormonal teenage months where they develop their adult identities. More baby boar pairs than not make it, but the fall-out rate is pretty high in pairs that are not character matched. In the end, whether you get youngsters or try to match adults via meet&greet before adopting/rescue dating, each boar pair stands and falls on the tricky issue of whether their personalities mesh or not.

Where in Wales are you?
Right okay.. and Neath
Hi, sounds like your piggy is quite happy, maybe just letting you know he is ready for the loo!:) I would consider getting a friend for him. I had two girls but sadly lost one a couple of months ago. Went to a rescue and tried a couple of other girls, 2nd one seemed ok and after a few days at home they get on just great.
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