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Help With Foot Problem!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I noticed some dry skin on my guinea pigs foot today. One of the toes also seem puffy and cracked. Doesn't seem to be causing pain. Pictures aren't very good I'm sorry. Wondering if this is just dry skin or something more serious? I put on some soothing cream I got from gorgeous guineas. Her bedding is oaten hay. Changed every 3 days. Any advice would be appreciated :)

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Just made your photos bigger for you.

I would get that checked out by the vet in case it is fungal as opposed to dry skin, catch anything like that early it becomes easier to treat.
She has been to the vets and nothing was said. Just wash in some salt water. Unfortunately I live in a rural area and the only vet around doesn't know much about guinea pigs.
I have washed her in a fungal shampoo and cleaned her cage with fungal spray and vinegar.
I don't think its fungal however. Her toe seems puffy and little cuts and sores. I'll treat as best I can.
Hmmm I don't like the sound of that, I would want antibiotics.

Fungal can be nasty and lead to open wounds I have since found out. Worse on a area where they are licking themselves.

Hope you can get a vet whose a bit more on top of things, must be very hard.
I hope that it will go down with a fungal bath. Not all fungal is ringworm.
I noticed some dry skin on my guinea pigs foot today. One of the toes also seem puffy and cracked. Doesn't seem to be causing pain. Pictures aren't very good I'm sorry. Wondering if this is just dry skin or something more serious? I put on some soothing cream I got from gorgeous guineas. Her bedding is oaten hay. Changed every 3 days. Any advice would be appreciated :)

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@Pebble @Elwickcavies
The very best thing for fungal is Imaverol, which I understand is available in Australia. It's used as a dip, which you leave on (don't rinse) and is very gentle on sensitive piggy skin, as well as being the best antifungal I've ever used. You need to repeat weekly for three weeks to make sure you've got everything. Hopefully you've caught it early. Fungal spores tend to come in on hay, so it is difficult to avoid, but if you continue to be eagle-eyed, you'll be fine.
I have Malaseb which I washed them all in and washed off. Do you think the Imaverol is more successful? Or will do the same job?
Imaverol keeps working in between treatments, as you leave it on, so I would say it would be better. It's worked for me where shampoos haven't.
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