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Specialist Help With Rumblestrutting Females!

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New Born Pup
Mar 2, 2015
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I've had my two female guinea pigs for about a year and a half now and whenever they're in heat they've always rumblestrutted which I understood was quite normal, but now one of them has been doing it for a good 3 weeks and is getting increasingly more aggressive to my other guinea pig who's been quietly putting up with her until now, but now she's rumbling too and now the one who has been rumbling for 3 weeks as well as trying to mount the other, is also jumping at her from the side ;they just seem to be getting really fed up of each other. However when they're feeding they don't squabble at all and sometimes they can sit quite happily. When I have one out and leave the other in the cage they sometimes cry for each other and yet as soon as I put them back together the rumbling starts. I just don't know what to do, is separation best? Please help! :(
Hi and welcome!

Please have your girl checked for small, but growing ovarian cysts, which are the likely cause of the aggressive/dominant behaviour. Thankfully, there are less invasive treatment than a full spaying operation available these days (hormone treatment or draining the cysts). You may have to find an exotics vet, though.

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Hi there! I am also Kathryn with a K :woot:

I have a pair of girls with a real 'love/hate' relationship, although it has always been fairly constant I noticed it more as they got more confident with their surroundings. Celeste pushes Daphne out of hideys and often nips her bum to shove her away, as well as not liking Daphne being in her face! But they wouldn't be without one another. They snuggle together when they're frightened!
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