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Hind Legs Not Working Well

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Autumn Sulouff

New Born Pup
Dec 18, 2016
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If anyone has any medical knowledge about guinea pigs or small animals, please contact me. My swwet boy is having issues with his hind legs, where jes barely able to walk... He looks like he's upset/exhausted or in pain and I don't know what to do. He will walk, periodically, but he keeps flipping onto his back and lifting his hind legs in the air. I'm very worried about him. :( I want to try and find a treatment option as soon as possible. This just started happening in the last couple hours. Thank you.
Hi, so sorry to hear this and other members on here will be able to help I am sure. I am not experienced with these issues so dare not advise but I would say he needs to get to a vet immediately as an emergency. Can you take him?
This is definitely a medical emergency so you need to go straight to the vet.

It could be many things from a pain reaction, to arthritis, and bloat issues but we don't have the information or qualifications to diagnose.

Please let us know how you get on at the vet.

Good luck!
The first thing you should do is call your vet asap! Because in the end the vet will be the only one who can really help him.

I'll tag @sport_billy so he can move your thread to the health and illness section. That way more people knowledgeable in the matter will be able to give you some advice!
Hope in the end it's nothing serious x:hug:
I'm sorry he is poorly, there are many different reasons why back legs stop working, only a vet can diagnose. Vitamin crash is a possibility but there other possibilities need to be ruled out by the vet.
The flipping into his back sounds more like some sort of seizure rather than a problem with the legs themselves.

Please have him see a Guinea pig knowledgable vet as a matter of urgency.

Could you add your location to your profile? We may be able to point you In the direction of a recommended vet.
The flipping into his back sounds more like some sort of seizure rather than a problem with the legs themselves.

Please have him see a Guinea pig knowledgable vet as a matter of urgency.

Could you add your location to your profile? We may be able to point you In the direction of a recommended vet.
Yes I was thinking same. It sounds like a neurological issue. Definitely get an appointment with a guinea pig savvy vet as soon as possible.
Thank you everyone! Yes, he has been seen and is taking calcium supplements and vitamin c supplements as of early this morning. He is already doing so much better. He is walking already and eating like crazy. He's been popping and squeaking like he did a couple days ago. I'm such a happy guinea mama! ❤
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