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Homemade Piggie Treats

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furry critters

Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 27, 2014
Reaction score
Isle Of Wight uk
Found this recipe on the internet. Take a cupful of pellets/museli or nuggets,half an apple,half a cucumber and a good handful of spinach. Roughly chop these ready to be blitzed. Step 2. Blitz the nuggets,pellets or muesli to a fine powder and put into a bowl. Then blitz the veggies so all mushy. Tip the veggies into the bowl of powder and mix up to a mushy ball. Step 3. Then place the ball on a sheet of cling film,and place another sheet on top. Roll out gently until it is as thick as a pound coin (roughly),and put into the fridge for 10 minutes to chill and firm up. Then cut out any shapes you lime. Once you have cut out all the treats place on a baking tray and cook on a low heat for about 40 minutes until quite firm. Place on a cooling rack to firm up as they cool,and they are ready. Finally give them to you're piggies to enjoy.
I got the website from my copy of guineapig magazine so I assume its OK,,its does sound nice though will be giving it a try the weekend.
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