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How Active Are Your Pigs?

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Rescue Buddy
Jul 31, 2013
Reaction score
Fife, UK
I am asking because my boys seem to be lazing around more but having an active hour in the evening. Just wondering if it is normal :)
Mine are super-lazy, I've only realised it recently as I've been stuck on the sofa with lurgy for a few days. They sleep probably 70% of the time and occasionally get up for a munch and scuttle then go back to bed! They're more active during floor time at least :)
All three of mine are lazy. Edward is the worst he can't even be bothered to try any romance with Mrs Simpson and cousin Amelia. When they are having floor time they just laze around eating or sleeping.:D
I have to say my girls are usually quite active hopping around the hay. But they do like to sleep in their hideys quite a bit.
Very lazy.

Sakurai just hides in a cosy or pigloo at free range time. Ryou walks around for a bit then sits sulking that Sakurai is hiding away.

Matthew and Romano aren't too lazy when on free range but they just sit and eat hay. Matthew does enjoy a good wander when hes not eating but he enjoys food too much so only if the hay isn't there will he go and explore, then you can't stop him.
Thank you for the replies! Was beginning to think they were just bored and hated me :D
The girls come out for floor time and spend the while time causing mischief of one type or another, but when I put them back in their run only Connie seems to do anything. Violet seems a real sloth. In the his and hers run Mr Ted is often on the go shoulder barging and rearranging things but Mrs Fudge is a real couch potato. And when they come out all she does is waddle to the nearest hidey and settle in for a nap, whereas he is off minxing and popcorning. So a mix of both really. Mind you Mrs Fudge is getting on for 5 so I wonder if that explains her lack of get up and go..
Most of mine are lazy but they do have mad moments. Fuzzy and Katie are probably the liveliest and Barney used to go charging up the hall most nights.
Mine are active in the morning, doze most of the day, and active again in the evening. Active for Sundae means trotting around, eating and foraging, etc (she will be 5 in April, so she is an older adult pig.) Hadley is only 4 or 5 months so her active periods are very, VERY active! LOL!
Tango and Cash were very chilled, Cash would do zoomies when he was little but once they were both 1 year+ they settled for just pottering about and would spend most of their floor time sitting in the cosies! :doh:

Ludo is generally pretty chilled too but he does like to explore during floor time (at his own cautious pace!) and we've even seen him popcorn a few times now.

...now Wyatt on the other hand does EVERYTHING at 110mph. He makes me feel tired just watching!
So it is just a varying thing between pigs.

They have their occasional zoomies but it isn't all that often anymore.
Our 2 are opposites.
Rex gets so excited about floor then the minute you let him out he finds a comfy spot and snoozes (unless you go near the kitchen/fridge)
Gizmo however once he figures out where all hides/tunnels/etc are will zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom, take a big nap then zoom a little more.
Guess it just depends on their personalities.
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