How Can Someone Be Such An Idiot!!

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jul 27, 2014
Reaction score
Brisbane, OLD Australia
So I thought it was a normal day, but it wasn't. You see our neighbors moved out and then the owner renter thing whatever that person is called went into the house to inspect it to find a guinea pig running around on the lawn! How could someone be such an idiot to not notice their guinea pig is missing! I'm thinking they might have left it there on purpose! I was going to take that poor little pig in! So I was not there when the renter person asks if we have any pets but since we happened to have guinea pigs she asked if it was ours. IT was so unfortunate because I would have said yes maybe that is ours and keep it. Those people that lived there were horrible! They listened to death metal real loud so everyday we could here it! They needed mental help,i mean come on you abandon an animal! Seriously! Then when my mom told me i ran outside climbed on a ladder and looked around their garden to see if the pig was there, i was calling piggy and i did here a little piggie noise. I was going to climb over there and take him when the stupid owners went to have a look around in the backyard. I'm still going to have a look after i finish writing this if they left it there. And that pig was not just there for a few hours it was there for days! In days honestly how could you not notice your missing your guinea pig! They are such stupid little turds! If that pig is there i'm going to take it because i know idiots like them would not care for their animals properly. I heard dogs crying there! I feel so bad for that little pig :( I wish i could have saved him :(
If you think it's still out in the garden you could try and trap it. See if you could find a humane cat catching crate and put loads of strong smelling veggies in it. You never know it could catch the pig! If you have an RSPCA in the area you could always ask them for help, they may be willing to try and catch the pig for you. Sometimes they can prosecute families who have purposefully abandoned an animal too.
I'm going to see if the pigs there. The only problem is I can't see everywhere in the garden without having to climb over. I don't exactly want to 'break in' the backyard but i'll go and have a look now and take some parsley and carrot with me...
I'd suggest taking some hay and poop from your piggies with you. It may lure the piggie out, especially if your piggies are girls and its a boy.

Hope you are able to save the poor piggie. That really scares me that the poor piggie is out there especially with the hot weather plus snakes and other animals that may get it.

Keep up updated. x
HELP! He is still there! How do i catch him without climbing over? :( I feel so bad! What if they are coming back form him! If i take him i would be stealing! I called piggy and they he ran somewhere into the garden i'll take a photo!
Try a box with vegetables in. The only thing I can think is that you'll have to climb over and just sit and wait until he gets near and starts eating then grab the box.

Hopefully someone whose caught a guinea pig before can come along and help.
Good luck! I've caught an escaped rabbit by sitting near a box of food and trying not to move.
Are you able to get someone to stand on your side to pass the carrier over once you've caught it? Fingers crossed for the poor little one :(

I would advise contacting some sort of authority though!
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So far no good. He is hiding either behind the shed or behind the watertank. I thought the owners took him home as they actually went to the house yesterday. Things have gotten worse the pig :(
here he is! I saw him through the crack! He was eating my parsley! My mom suggested i throw over a little hay and thats what i did. When i threw the hay over there IMG_1761.webp he was not there :(
Could you find a small hole in the bottom of the fence and lure it into your garden with some hay, veggies etc?
At least he would be in your garden and not theirs. Can't the rspca help you out?

Yet again as has been said on a different thread, can no one make another suggestion about climbing over the fence... Please use common sense on public forums guys.

Can I remind members that is it Illegal to break and enter. Inform the countries relevant Animal Welfare Agency.

Please be aware we cannot be condoning members and in this case a minor member of our community to commit an Illegal action. If any more of these suggestions are made, we will be taking this extremely seriously. I will be going through the thread now and removing any inappropriate post. Any issues please contact a member of staff via pm

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Police head on, I will be extremely disappointed if any of our members break the law after being encouraged by another member. Inform your local animal welfare organization and leave it at that. We will not condone breaking the law on this forum and any member actively encouraging someone else to do it will be removed from the forum. Plain and simple - your call!
Yes of coarse i would never break the law! I'm going to try are lure him to my yard with some parsley. He has almost made it. If this fails i will contact my local shelter to help with rescuing. I hope all goes well and there's no harm done. Let's leave it at that.
Good lass, you know it makes sense, the last thing we want is your parents having to collect you from the police station because someone from this forum had encouraged you to break the law. It wouldn't put this forum in a good light. :tu:
Just a update. The people have come back and are probably taking the piggie. I feel bad for the pig and actually think he did better in the yard with me feeding them vegetables than with owners that don't even notice their guinea pig is missing and leave it there not bothering to get it...
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Another update. They left without the guinea pig. Those little dweebs! I can't believe they would do that to such a gorgeous and a baby guinea pig! I know where it hides now. IT goes behind the water tank and comes out to eat the vegetables and hay I've thrown over.
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Poor piggy :( Just a thought, but is there any way it could have escaped from somewhere else or is your neighbours' garden totally enclosed?
If they come back why don't you speak to them and see if they have any intention of taking the piggy. If not see if they are willing to hand him over to you.
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