How much do I feed him?

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Feb 5, 2012
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My family and I live in Kentucky, USA
I just adopted a precious little piggie. He is about 10 weeks old. I am completely new with Guinea pigs but from what I have read I understand that he needs unlimited Timothy hay and a Guinea pig food. I currently have a bag of Kaytee fiesta Max. Is this ok to feed Bandit and how much of this do I feed him daily? Also, I know I need to feed him fresh veggies but again, how much do I feed him and how often?
As he is so young he will need unlimited hay and unlimited guinea pig food. However i wouldnt recommend feeding him the mix you are. He is likely to selectively feed and pick out the yummy bits from the mix and not get a balanced diet from it. Please consider feeding him a complete pellet food, I'm not 100% sure what you have over there but any of the following if you have them are great brands: Oxbow cavy cuisine, Science Selective guinea pig nuggets, Burgess Excel nuggets (pretty sure they arent in the USA) and Wagg optimum nuggets.

He will also need 50g or half a cup of mixed veg a day, theres a list on here of the foods he can eat. The big things to steer clear of which are poisonous are tomato leaves (they can eat the fruit), rhubarb and potatoes. As hes a boy i would also feed high calcium foods sparingly as it can risk bladder problems. High calcium veg includes kale, spinach and parsley.

Have you considered getting him a companion also, piggies are very sociable and do much better in pairs or groups (boys should only live in pairs)

Hope this helps.
Welcome to the forum and the wonderful world of piggies.

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