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how much pellets do i give my piggie?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
Somewhere in the US
I am very confused on pellets. Some people say to go with whats on the bag and some people say unlimited. I give my 14 month old pig whats on the bag of oxbow cavy cuisine right now. I only have one piggie.?/
I always limit it to whats on the bag. simply because otherwise they would get fat. Hay is far more important than pellets
Ours get a small handful in morning and a small handful at night.
Mine have an unlimited supply of dust free meadow hay, usually from jolleys sometimes the range, and they always have a bowl full of dry food, between 3, non of them are overweight or unhealthy.
mine have 2 full bowls between 6 and my pair have almost a full bowl. but none of them are ever empty they prefer hay.
The rule with pellets is:
- unlimited for weaned piggies until their growth rate is starting to slow down between 6-9 months old.
- Then reduced very gradually.
- Mature, fully grown piggies from about 12-15 months old need about 1/2 -1 handful of pellets per piggy per day. I give mine about 1/2 handful as they are all a good weight.

The recommended amount of mixed veg is about 1 cupful per piggy per day. Please include at least one high vitamin C veg like a slice of (sweet) pepper of any colour, a floret or bit of stem of broccoli or a sprig of fresh parsley or two sprigs of cilantro/coriander. Please vary.
Here is a link to a good US website and their diet recommendations. Be careful to give fruit only twice a week.
I weighed my handful once and it comes out to the 50g portion stated on my food packet so I just do that now.

for my trio one hogs the food and the most submissive one keeps away from the food for a while so I give them more than 3 handfuls more like 4-5 but they are healthy weights and not fat so :-)
I heard it was only youngster who get unlimited, i guess it depends on the pig, i measure out 20g per meal for two of them and they always leave a little bit - i don't do unlimited as Bobby pee's in his bowl so it saves waste.
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