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How old is my new piggy?

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Feb 20, 2012
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I got a new piggy yesterday. The lady in the pet shop (I know, the route of all evil, but I fell in love with him instantly) said that he was 4 months old and they don't sell them any younger. My first boy was 4 months old when I got him and he was about three times bigger. My other boy was 4 weeks when I got him, and he was the runt of his litter, and even he was a bit bigger. The new boy is only about the size of a mouse and even his droppings are only like mouse droppings. I think he could be younger than 4 weeks which has me really worried. Is there any way for me to estimate his age? If he is as young as I think he is, is there anything I need to do differently? So far I've been feeding him unlimited hay, pellets and about quarter the veg I give my other two (Just turned 1 and nearing 2)
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