How To Make A Website?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 8, 2013
Reaction score
Littleborough, UK
As most of you know, I have a Facebook page called Pigs in Blankets for snuggley piggy accessories. I would really love to have an official website but I am a total technophobe and have no idea how to go about making this happen.
If anybody has a clue about these things, I would so appreciate some advise and/or instructions. Thanks in advance! :D
I have made a few websites for people in the past using a website called It is fairly easy to use and there are various types of subscription you can sign up to. There is a free subscription whereby you have to have an website address which ends in or you can buy yearly subscriptions at different prices which offer you different prices.

I am happy to answer any more questions you may have here.
I have made a few websites for people in the past using a website called It is fairly easy to use and there are various types of subscription you can sign up to. There is a free subscription whereby you have to have an website address which ends in or you can buy yearly subscriptions at different prices which offer you different prices.

I am happy to answer any more questions you may have here.
Do you have to follow a template or do you get to run free with the design?
This will probably be a project for the OH...It will end in tears and tantrums and most likely a broken laptop if I do this myself! :blink:
Also, with if I do a subscription, will it show up on search engines like Google and the such?
Thank you and sorry for all my questions if they are daft :))
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Yes you have to follow a template but there are many templates you can choose from and usually most of the templates you can add to give your own personal touch (for example one template might dictate that you have to have a banner at the top of the page but you can choose any of your own piggy pictures to use).

When you sign up for a subscription there will be a setting whereby you can enter key words that will make your site show up on google. I think even without the subscription it will show up on google it just won't be very high on the list. It might be on page 152 of search results or something like that.
Why were you scared of etsy?
I didn't really know how to work it (I'm an etsy lurker bur that's it) and some of the jewellery and handmade items on there are lovely and I thought "nobody will want these, the internet will hate me!" And haven't been on it since. It's so silly, but it was at a time when my confidence and general mental health was a bit iffy.
I w
I didn't really know how to work it (I'm an etsy lurker bur that's it) and some of the jewellery and handmade items on there are lovely and I thought "nobody will want these, the internet will hate me!" And haven't been on it since. It's so silly, but it was at a time when my confidence and general mental health was a bit iffy.
Lots of people would buy your things. They are so well made. By the way, do you make hidey cubes? I hope you know what I mean by that!
I w

Lots of people would buy your things. They are so well made. By the way, do you make hidey cubes? I hope you know what I mean by that!
Aw thank you :D
Funnily enough, I'm designing some now!
I'm going to do the regular hidey cubes, rectangular ones with 2 entries and a corner triangular one.
Aw thank you :D
Funnily enough, I'm designing some now!
I'm going to do the regular hidey cubes, rectangular ones with 2 entries and a corner triangular one.
Oh great! I would love to buy one but it would need to be accommodating for a rather wide bottom.
I don't know much about this really but if you just want a page to display them with your contact details for people to order rather than a site where people can click to buy and enter payment details etc., then you could set up a blog page for free. Google has a free blog called blogger. You get your own page, can choose the address to some extent I think (I had one ages ago but I can't remember if it was a Google one or a Wordpress one) and can customise colours and stuff a bit. If you don't know how to do something on it you can always, er, Google what you want to know!

Alternatively, @Falken might be able to suggest a good place to go on the Internet to find out how to make a website.
Ooh that's really good!
I wish I lived closer to you! I would totally leave my boys with you, your boarding service sounds awesome!
Thanks, I am a total novice at making websites! I am sure you will find a good boarding! My boarding that I use for my piggies ( not 4 paws! )doesn't give piggies floor time or follow owners routines and is £8 a night for 2 piggies!
Can you make snuggle sacks to fit inside my Hidey hole? Does hay and other bedding like aubiose stick to the snuggle sack?
Thanks, I am a total novice at making websites! I am sure you will find a good boarding! My boarding that I use for my piggies ( not 4 paws! )doesn't give piggies floor time or follow owners routines and is £8 a night for 2 piggies!
Can you make snuggle sacks to fit inside my Hidey hole? Does hay and other bedding like aubiose stick to the snuggle sack?
Snuggle sacks can be made to any size you'd like. I use fleece for the interior and cotton outer so hay and bedding doesn't stick to them. If any gets inside, it's easy to shake off.
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