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How To Prevent Possible Future Problems.

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Cavy Kung-Fu

Adult Guinea Pig
Nov 9, 2015
Reaction score
Brighton, UK
I didn't know whether to post this in health & illness but as it's not a current problem I thought I would put it here. Please move the post of needs be :)

I'm just curious if there are any foods to give/avoid or any sort of herbal supplements you can give to prevent possible future illness like UTIs or URIs as I have read a lot of posts on here regarding these issues and what to do when they happen.

None of my piggies have problems currently, but I was wondering if there is anything I can do to prevent the possibility of any pain or discomfort in the future for my furbabies.

Avoid high in calcium foods as that could lead to bladder stones :)

Apart from that, there's nothing you can really do - except ensure their diets consist of hay at all times, the suitable amount of nuggets and just ensuring they get required amount of veggies! Weigh weekly as weigh loss is often indication of a problem ^^
A balanced diet, clean living conditions and regular checks are the only real things you can do to help prevent problems for your piggies. Even then, there is no guarantee that they won't have health problems. I like to think mine are well cared for but we are rarely away from the vets at the moment. Just the luck of the draw!
Yes that's the problem I fear! What sort of foods are particularly high in calcium that I could avoid? I know the basics but nothing specific atm.

I was worrying about smelly urine the other night but think it was just the choice of food I had given them lol.
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