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How To Provide Enough Leafy Veg To Selective Eaters...

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New pig mum

Junior Guinea Pig
May 8, 2015
Reaction score
My GP's are fussy eaters, they pick at watercress,spring greens,cabbage,rocket,herbs,won't eat carrot,parsnip...Can you help what I might offer as variety as although they like kale and celery they cannot have it frequently and there's little value in cucumber which they also like.Just want to make sure they are healthy and ger variety in their diet.
I give my two the I.C diet:
Twice a day per pig:
One slice of cucumber
One slice of pepper
One slice of celery
One slice spring greens
One sprig coriander
One green bean

I feed them all ten above except green been, because they turn their noses up at them.
Here is our list of edible veg and herbs: https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk...veg-and-fruit-list-with-vitamin-c-grading.42/
And this thread here helps you figuring out what you can give how often: https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk...or-a-balanced-general-guinea-pig-diet.116460/

Most leafy green veg is rather high in calcium. Spring greens and coriander/cilantro can be fed daily as a 1 inch strip to cover the need for magnesium without causing bladder stone problems in the long term. if your piggies are very picky, I would try to aim for the "daily veg" (so called IS diet) first and see how far you get on that one. It may take some patience and persistence.
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