Humans Ruin Everything.

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Adult Guinea Pig
Apr 23, 2011
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I was watching the news and they said they were now trying to save the last of a certain breed of Rhino by taking its DNA.

It just made me think really how awful and disgusting it is that we've done that! Humans.. have hunted the White Rhino into extinction! I believe there's two.. left now.. In the world! TWO!
It makes me so angry thinking about how many other animals will probably end up extinct in my life time. Most of it, in fact probably all of it down to humans. The Wester Lowland Gorilla is nearly gone due to illegal hunting. Tiger's, Kola's, breeds of Primates and many more! Elephant are the worst, just like Rhino's they just leave them for dead and for what.. there tusks for ivory?! because they think they have some magical healthy power. Ergh it just angers me how stupid humans are!

Also, personally I don't agree with zoo's. I don't wanna go to a zoo to see an animal that's extinct in the wild?! whats the point?! They may as well be dead! All these 'breeding program's' are rubbish to be quite honest! The amount of animal's that ever go back into the wild are slim! so slim that its pointless! Yeah okay there keeping animal from being extinct but whats the point?!
I agree with massive wildlife centers in Africa and places like that. But zoo's in city's and stuff make me so angry! There just there for our entertainment! Human entertainment! I agree zoo's have got A LOT better over the years but its still not enough. London zoo angers me the most, so much I refuse to go there. Colchester zoo too, with the elephants that are just let to walk around in a barren place?! Its just heart breaking

Anyway, sorry for my rant! Rant over! Just needed to share my thoughts!
It is very upsetting. Hunting is not needed, particularly if the animal is being used for fashion!
It is completely wrong. What do us lot do if an animal attacks us? We go and kill it!
It should be the same for the animals. They are not lower down in the rankings. It is so unfair.

I believe some zoos are actually helpful. They rescue ill animals such as penguins, seals etc, then they release them into the wild. I really think they do a good cause.
It is very upsetting. Hunting is not needed, particularly if the animal is being used for fashion!
It is completely wrong. What do us lot do if an animal attacks us? We go and kill it!
It should be the same for the animals. They are not lower down in the rankings. It is so unfair.

I believe some zoos are actually helpful. They rescue ill animals such as penguins, seals etc, then they release them into the wild. I really think they do a good cause.

Oh my gosh I know! Like a human will walk through an animal territory and get attack and then are like "Oh it attacked me so we need to go and shoot it" I'm sorry! But they walked through its home! where they KNEW those animals lived! Its so frustrating!

The ones that rescue ill animals are rescue center though or conservation places, which i agree with. But zoo's say they're gunna release animal back into the wild and they never do.
Oh my gosh I know! Like a human will walk through an animal territory and get attack and then are like "Oh it attacked me so we need to go and shoot it" I'm sorry! But they walked through its home! where they KNEW those animals lived! Its so frustrating!

The ones that rescue ill animals are rescue center though or conservation places, which i agree with. But zoo's say they're gunna release animal back into the wild and they never do.
I know Twycross Zoo released a couple of penguins....
I know Twycross Zoo released a couple of penguins....

Wow! Haha!

I was taken to the zoo for a college photography day and hated every minute of it. I have been to another zoo in the Highlands and the animals had plenty of space so it wasn't so bad. Would still rather see them in the wild or not at all.
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Completely agree, I was ranting about how Zoo's upset me the other day, and the counterargument was that the animals "don't know any different" because they weren't born in the wild... how does that make it okay?! Ridiculous statement to make, people do annoy me ! This is why we have our fur-babies, they make alot more sense.
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I love this post.
Everytime I hear about another animal that's become endangered it makes me feel sick to my stomach, theres so many endangered and extinct species now it's horrifying. it's unforgivably evil what we've done.
Something massive needs to change, humans are a bloody plague on the earth. Our own power is going to destroy us and take everything out with us.
Aw and dont even start me with places like the zoos, deep sea world, circuses, amazonia, etc. They make me sick.
It's so depressing.
I'm in such a people hating mood today i've cried like 5 times, haha.
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Completely agree, I was ranting about how Zoo's upset me the other day, and the counterargument was that the animals "don't know any different" because they weren't born in the wild... how does that make it okay?! Ridiculous statement to make, people do annoy me ! This is why we have our fur-babies, they make alot more sense.

Ergh! I hate that counter argument! When I was at college studying animal welfare we had a module about zoo welfare and enclosures and stuff and we have to have an argument for and against zoo's and that's what the other team came up with the whole 'they went born in the wild ' Bull:cen:! I was like are you serious?! Its a proven fact that whether an animal has been born into captivity they have natural instincts natural instincts that hundreds of years of breeding in captivity will never get rid of! So frustrating, and its so annoying that people in the real world actually have those thoughts.. like how stupid can someone be to think that oh if its born there its fine with it?!

I love this post.
Everytime I hear about another animal that's become endangered it makes me feel sick to my stomach, theres so many endangered and extinct species now it's horrifying. it's unforgivably evil what we've done.
Something massive needs to change, humans are a bloody plague on the earth. Our own power is going to destroy us and take everything out with us.
Aw and dont even start me with places like the zoos, deep sea world, circuses, amazonia, etc. They make me sick.
It's so depressing.
I'm in such a people hating mood today i've cried like 5 times, haha.

Me too, Like I actually find myself hating humans, like if there was ever a true 'Noah' situation i'd kill myself in order for only animals to be alive. Literally we have killed this planet with all our technology and stuff. People say theres no such thing as 'global warming' Seriously.. go outside in winter, its the coldest its been for years, go outside in summer, its hotter than its ever been, look at the ice melting and the animals dying and tell me theres no such thing as global warming.
It gets right up my nose to think that people are so stupid to think that we're the highest species therefore we have rights to put animals unwillingly in zoo's and places.
Haha, I feel your pain! I have days when I just hate humans.
You can thank china for the extinction of the rhinos, they are the ones who, despite having the internet and so on, still believe the horns will cure things. There are lots of chinese and due to the economic boom there, lots of chinese with money, so the demand is higher than in the past.
I know its easy to blame africans but if you have the choice between starving to death or getting atleast $100 to help you and your family live, which do you think they will choose, especially as africans themselves are often poorly educated.
I don't understand why rhinos arent imported to other countries with similar habitats and live on safari ranges there. It would be safer and easier to police in some place like South America or whatever, where they are less poor and better educated.
It is so sad when a species goes extinct, and I agree, zoos are depressing places usually. Sometimes theres some nicer ones, usually smaller ones as they have more time and money to spend on the animals, rather than really big zoos where its noisy and crowded.
You can thank china for the extinction of the rhinos, they are the ones who, despite having the internet and so on, still believe the horns will cure things. There are lots of chinese and due to the economic boom there, lots of chinese with money, so the demand is higher than in the past.
I know its easy to blame africans but if you have the choice between starving to death or getting atleast $100 to help you and your family live, which do you think they will choose, especially as africans themselves are often poorly educated.
I don't understand why rhinos arent imported to other countries with similar habitats and live on safari ranges there. It would be safer and easier to police in some place like South America or whatever, where they are less poor and better educated.
It is so sad when a species goes extinct, and I agree, zoos are depressing places usually. Sometimes theres some nicer ones, usually smaller ones as they have more time and money to spend on the animals, rather than really big zoos where its noisy and crowded.

I think its so stupid though, like you said despite having the internet they still think it can cure things?! Well they must think the world will end when they hunt them to extinction then?! What will cure them then?
I see what your saying about the people who do the killing, to feed there family's. I just think like when they get interviewed they don't even care?! Like personally, I'd rather die than kill a nearly extinct animal. I think that something should have been done sooner, like there's loads of safari ranges, and places in Africa that are sectioned off so poachers cant get in etc but they have like a vast amount of land, those places work for other species so why didn't they do it with the rhino?! I think we were just too slow to realise we need to do something about it, and now its too late.

I can deal with the safari bit of Longleat, they're quite big areas for the animals, and also they properly look into each and every animal and really do everything they can to make it as real as normal territory. Apart from the cars.. I think they do a good job kind of. Its one of the more cheery 'zoo' places. I cant stand London zoo, make me literally want to cry and protest against it.
I misread your post title as "Hamsters Ruin Everything" and I was thinking "yes, yes they do. Mine ate my skirting board, my jumper, my son's school uniform and a hole in a concrete floor!"

Anyway, I feel very conflicted about zoos because I personally dont like them, but both my children got annual memberships of Twycross and my son goes to Zoo club there. He recently learnt how to take care of Zebras. So I spend a reasonable amount of time there whereas I'm not sure I really agree with wild animals in captivity at all :(

The guinea pigs at Twycross have a lovely time though!
I think its so stupid though, like you said despite having the internet they still think it can cure things?! Well they must think the world will end when they hunt them to extinction then?! What will cure them then?
I see what your saying about the people who do the killing, to feed there family's. I just think like when they get interviewed they don't even care?! Like personally, I'd rather die than kill a nearly extinct animal. I think that something should have been done sooner, like there's loads of safari ranges, and places in Africa that are sectioned off so poachers cant get in etc but they have like a vast amount of land, those places work for other species so why didn't they do it with the rhino?! I think we were just too slow to realise we need to do something about it, and now its too late.

I can deal with the safari bit of Longleat, they're quite big areas for the animals, and also they properly look into each and every animal and really do everything they can to make it as real as normal territory. Apart from the cars.. I think they do a good job kind of. Its one of the more cheery 'zoo' places. I cant stand London zoo, make me literally want to cry and protest against it.

I think alot of them don't care. Most people in the world don't really care that much about animals, even people in western countries. You have people who will buy a puppy for christmas cause "aww its cute" and then get bored of it and wont train it right or take it for walks and stuff, or they think the animal will just be fine with sitting around in a cage or back garden with nothing to do all day but bark and fight. To be honest, most people take bad care of themselves and live unhappy lives, it is no wonder most animals dont stand a chance!
But its not all bad, there are the people who do look after animals right and do great work to help save them :) we just need people like that to be the majority of the population.
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