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Hutch help please!


New Born Pup
Oct 3, 2020
Reaction score
Edinburgh uk
Please help I am drowning in options. We recently got two Guinea pigs. They were rescued from a family that couldn't keep them and came with all the p@h accessories. My concern is that their indoor cage is far too small, they need space to run around. They came with an outdoor hutch, the p@h blossom. It had no floor in the bottom run so I reinforced all of the mesh and put rubber matting down on the bottom so no risk of bumble foot, I also added better locks and have a waterproof cover and heated pads. Here are my issues : foxes, we have many in the area and one pooped on the cage the other day. They are clearly a threat. Our garden is small so can't fit a shed. So I either need to further reinforce this cage by putting ply on the bottom and around the bottom sides and raising it off the ground, buy a new sturdy one (recommendedations please!) or keep them indoors all the time except for supervised run time during good weather. I'm also terrified of rats with an outdoor hutch, but I love the idea of a massive safe outdoor hutch that they can run around in. Please help!
Welcome to the Forum.

And well done for offering the unwanted guinea pigs a home.

Sadly, as you are already finding out, many pet shops sell cages and hutches that are really far too small for guinea pigs, and unfortunately the Blossom hutch is one of them.
This really does not offer anywhere near enough, safe, dry, warm covered space for 2 pigs. Even less so as the weather in the UK becomes wet and colder.
It would however make a nice outdoor run in the warmer months, so it can be used in the Summer on fine days.

Good hutches are Rydale and Chartwell - you can google them to find a supplier and the best price, but please be aware that they won't be cheap - you will pay for a robust and well made hutch, but it will go a long way towards keeping your piggies safe and warm year round.

The other alternative would be to have them inside. I think in the short term indoor set ups can be cheaper.
Have you considered looking into a C&C cage?
These can be made in any shape so can work well if you have limited or an awkward space.

Good luck with the new additions and welcome to the Forum.
Hello and welcome to TGPF ! It’s a great place for info advice and other owners experiences.
I also adopted two boars from a family that bought them in haste and then didn’t want them. They came with a hutch too and it was too small - but after researching and realising the risks in my garden I have made them indoor piggies. It’s been the best thing I did. I don’t think I would have got to know their personalities or interacted as well with them if they were outdoor piggies. ( that’s maybe just me) also I was worried about temperature changes / predators. It’s very easy to keep their area clean and I made lots of fleece pads to help. I have an big outdoor run with cover that they use in the warmer weather. Just my experience 😊
I agree with swissgreys, this hutch is not a suitable. Two sows need a hutch/cage of a minimum of 120cm x 60cm but 150cm x 60cm is better, and two boars a cage of 180cm x 60cm if necessary (two boars need more room). This needs to be provided on a single level as upper levels dont count towards the cage size. As they can’t be out in the run area year round, and would need to be locked into the hutch most of the winter, then it doesn’t provide enough space.

if it were me with the risk of foxes plus the time of year (temperatures etc), then I would bring them indoors from now until spring time If you have that option, and then you can use the blossom for summer time (security issues dealt with). Its this time of year when people bring their piggies back indoors or put them into sheds (mine live in my shed year round) when they have that option as it is now getting too cold for them to be out (even for playtime, once it gets below 15 degrees outside, then it is too cold for them and they can’t be moved from indoors to outdoors until spring time).