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I did warn him!

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Zubin and Eddie go through stages when they get a bit frisky any way Eddie was like that today and being hot out Zubin really wasnt in the mood for what he was doin and when he decided to hum Zubins head i heard a really and i mean REALLY loud squeal so i went to investigate i picked little Edd up and noticed blood and it turns out that Zubin had nipped Eddys willy! there was ALOT of blood at first so i grabbed the nearest thing i had which was sock hanging from the line to stop the bleeding and poor ed was wheeking and seem scared so i sat him down and bathed it in salt water( i have nothing else) then i just sat a cuddled him for a while and when it began to clot i was so relived i investigated it a bit more and it look like a little nip but on such sensitive skin and the amount of blood going to it no wonder it bled so much! Hes fine now and Zubins cooling off after a nice cool bath! I was covered in piggie blood and my mum now has one red sock! he seems ok now but I'm keeping an eye on it incase it gets infected considering he pees from there and Zubins mouth is hardly the cleanest place! But if you remember i said that when they humped each others heads when i first put them together i said to them ' if he bits it off dont come crying to me!' i never acctually belived that would happen! just shows i was wrong!
Many a true word spoken in jest,, as my mum used to say :o
Oh my gosh! Poor Eddie! Jin and Ton used to bonk each others heads but never bit one another!

Awwwww ;D
I think Zubin was tired and hot nad that was the last straw I'm off to bed and ill check them on my way hope he'll be ok it looked worse than it was! made my dads eyes water when i told him! x
what sort of cream? i think theres some germaline somewhere is tht ok 4 piggies especially on such a sensitive area? x
Have you got any E45? Germolene will sting like mad! Germolene is fine for any other areas, but because it's his willy, you need something a little gentler
E45? erm i think my sister might have some but its cleared up now just a little scar and hes fine in himself lol
Poor love! That must have hurt, and so must his dignity!

GG do a lovely antiseptic soothe gel. When Scarby cut his foot it was really nice.
Hes ok now but he hasnt done it again i thought that taught him lol x
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