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I really need your help

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 17, 2010
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Sexy might have bumblefoot and I'm going to try the childrens neurofen...the only trouble is I dont have a syringe and cant buy anthing online at the moment as i have no money in the bank. If anyone has a spare few oral syringes and wouldnt mind selling me them (i will give you a postal order) I'd be so grateful, please help. Thank you so much :)
Do they have to be special one's then? can't you get some kid medicene one's from the chemist/
Can you get oral syringes with small enough doses from the chemists?:)

please help someone:)
Piggiewiggie! I have a couple spare! You need to send me over your address anyway did you want these? They are ones from the vet for my Gadget when she was a baby, so they should be small enough!

Thats so kind carma, how much do you want for them and the p+p? Thank you. I will PM you my address later.:) Sexy sends you hugs!

Also I will send you the money for the portrait after my birthday which is this sunday.:)
I think the vet gave them to me for free, so any costs would be the postage, and that's probably going to be so little that there is no point me asking for the payment of it! I think I have 2 spare, would you like them both? I like to keep hold of the third one just incase my piggies need emergency treatment themselves.

Send me the money for the portrait when it's finished hun, which should be by then, but I won't say for sure as I need to get framing and mounting costs for you :)

Sexy shall be MINE! Hahaha

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