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I think little old Solo is dying

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One of my old rescue boys is very poorly and I don't think he is going to pick up. We are treating him with antibiotics, just in case he has an infection, but I'm very worried about him.
He's settled and resting on a nice snug towel covered hot water bottle, he's had a little drink of honeyed water and looks peaceful. I gave him a litttle cuddle and Reiki earlier this morning and sadly feel there is no more I can do.
Please keep him in your thoughts and any healing ones sent his way would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Really sorry to read this Barbara, fingers crossed for you both...
Thank you for thinking of Solo.

Sadly he deteriorated quickly and we had decided to have him pts this evening as I felt he might be in pain, as he began whimpering alittle bit. Solo however had his own plans and slipped gently away when I left him for literally minutes to make myself a hot drink.

I'll miss the little imp, but not as much as his pal Jonty will.

Thank you again.

God bless that little Solo pig on his way to the Rainbow Bridge

and big hugs to his earth mummy
cavykind said:
Thank you for thinking of Solo.

Sadly he deteriorated quickly and we had decided to have him pts this evening as I felt he might be in pain, as he began whimpering alittle bit. Solo however had his own plans and slipped gently away when I left him for literally minutes to make myself a hot drink.

I'll miss the little imp, but not as much as his pal Jonty will.

Thank you again.


oh Barbara I know EXACTLY how you are feeling i was in the same poisition as you last night with Evee she too decieded other wise and went during the night and avoided my pain of taking her to the vet today, God bless little solo popcorn with patch and Evee we will miss you so much :'( :'(
So sorry to hear about Solo, thinking of you (((HUGS)))

Mary XX
michellemuffin said:
cavykind said:
Thank you for thinking of Solo.

Sadly he deteriorated quickly and we had decided to have him pts this evening as I felt he might be in pain, as he began whimpering alittle bit. Solo however had his own plans and slipped gently away when I left him for literally minutes to make myself a hot drink.

I'll miss the little imp, but not as much as his pal Jonty will.

Thank you again.


oh Barbara I know EXACTLY how you are feeling i was in the same poisition as you last night with Evee she too decieded other wise and went during the night and avoided my pain of taking her to the vet today, God bless little solo popcorn with patch and Evee we will miss you so much :'( :'(

I think sometimes they try and make it that little bit easier for us don't they?

I feel sorry for his pal Jonty, they had been a "couple" for the last 2 1/2 years or so. Solo adopted Jonty as a 12 week old baby and they have never been apart for more than a few moments since. Just bath times really.

I am going to try Jonty with my neutered boar Parsley, hopefully tomorrow/Saturday. Parsley is in with 2 rescue girls at the moment, he's lived with a boar before without probs...so fingers crossed.
I'll give them both a nice bath and maybe oil soak to relax them before making intros :)
Thank's everyone,
Sorry for your lose Barbara, fun free Solo! x
Oh i am so sorry to hear all of this!Oh poor Solo.Enjoy guinea pig heaven
Barbara, I'm so so sorry to hear this. Big hugs to you.

Solo, sweetheart, sleep well, your mummy loves you very very much xx
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