I Would Rather Hang Out With My Guinea Pig.

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Jennifer D

Teenage Guinea Pig
Nov 21, 2014
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
So today my friends (that I haven't seen in a long time) posted on Facebook that they were all at The Ship and Anchor Pub. How wonderful for them. Even at age 28 it never quite loses it's sting. Alas, when we graduated high school and my friends were all taking their year off, I had decided to go to college 8 hours away. I was never keen on school and I had it in my head that if I didn't go to college straight out of high school, I would probably never go. Best decision I ever made :) So, I'd come home every once and a while on weekends and spend time with my family (heaven forbid!) but I didn't have a ton of time for the strange "loud, puking, drunk, make out with random people on the dance floor" phase that my friends seemed to be going through. I never had this phase (thankfully) as I'd already seen the nasty things that adults get up to when they drink to excess (unfortunately, I'd seen it in my family over many years) and even now I only have the occasional drink. When I did have the time to go out with them, I usually ended up driving everyone home, which was fine with me as I can still have a good time out without fuelling the evening with alcohol. Now, these friends live somewhat far away just like I did and now, they know how it is trying to fit time in with your family while squeezing a few hours in with your friends too. But it hurts that they didn't think to invite me, you know? Maybe they think I'm a bore or something. I literally have two friends, the rest are really just friends of my friends but I DO know them and I enjoy talking to them and everything. I'm definitely an introvert, I like my alone time, but it's not like I'm a hermit! I've accepted invitations before and I don't sit there and mope or anything! I just don't ALWAYS want to be around people. Maybe that's why I always worked at a dog kennel. I adore dogs and they adore me. They're simple, just like piggies :) People... are not simple. I like to hang out in the woods with my dog because you can see that she's just caught up in the moment of running around and sniffing and just being outside. People, on the other hand are "I'm out in the woods but I wonder what's on Facebook? I wonder if there are bears out here? How long is it going to take me to get to the car from here?" ARGH! :( But anyways, I stole my favourite piggy (don't tell the others!) from her wood cave and took adorable piggy pose pictures with her to stave off my pity party.... I turned it into... a PIGGY PARTY! Hahahaha! I LOOOOVES MY GIGANTICA!

Hahaha I love how she's edging away :)

How rude!

Your sweet pictures made me smile. I love her little white shorts!

It is hurtful your so called friends not inviting you out. I can totally understand that. I guess at times we learn are friends are not who we think we are. The fact you have two friends is great as I personally only have online friends due to having a social phobia. You seem like a fantastic person and they are missing out by not having you with them. At least you have your beautiful animals and they clearly love you.
Your sweet pictures made me smile. I love her little white shorts!

It is hurtful your so called friends not inviting you out. I can totally understand that. I guess at times we learn are friends are not who we think we are. The fact you have two friends is great as I personally only have online friends due to having a social phobia. You seem like a fantastic person and they are missing out by not having you with them. At least you have your beautiful animals and they clearly love you.
Oh my Gosh! She DOES have little shorts on! Bahahaha! Just made her even MORE adorable!
Woo another introvert to add to the club!

I was never a social drinker at uni or one for being in huge groups. I mostly spend time with my boyfriend, an other friend and visit my mum. The piggies are my favourites though ;)

Like @piggyfan I have lots of great online friends that have been better than the ones that I had in high school and college.
Your sweet pictures made me smile. I love her little white shorts!

It is hurtful your so called friends not inviting you out. I can totally understand that. I guess at times we learn are friends are not who we think we are. The fact you have two friends is great as I personally only have online friends due to having a social phobia. You seem like a fantastic person and they are missing out by not having you with them. At least you have your beautiful animals and they clearly love you.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggles with social aspects. My mom thinks I'm just cynical :( I recently discovered that earplugs are my best friend. I can now go grocery shopping without feeling an urge to FLIP OUT every time someone stops in the middle of the isle or drives their cart directly across from where I am CLEARLY trying to go. I've been researching some and I've come to the conclusion that I get over stimulated. I've always had RIDICULOUS hearing- I can hear when the tv or the computer are turned on even when they're on mute from the other room- I hear the toaster, a sonic device meant to emit a low frequency noise to prevent dogs from barking (we had to get rid of that thing), dog whistles, fluorescent lights, even the phone makes a horrible racket when it's set into it's holder to charge. Apparently a person grows out of hearing the low frequencies (which to me, sound like high piercing noises) in their teen years. If I wear the ear plugs, I'm generally calmer. I'm tempted to have some custom plugs made for me. I even cringe when people speak over each other. It's so random :)
Introvert here too! I love my own company I have never been a heavy drinker, I got drunk once or twice when.i was underage and I don't like it. I thoroughly enjoy going to a pub where there's a fire and some background music etc but ill have one MAYBE two drinks and then I'm happy to stop. Most of the time I just order tap water and skip the drinks al together as I cant afford such luxury's. I enjoy going out with friends and happy with up to maybe 10 people if its good company but I prefer to host so I'm distracted rather than be a guest. I have a couple of close friends I'm pretty open and confident with and can appear extrovert when I'm comfortable but its not all the time. I don't go to other peoples houses very often at all. Where I work my team are incredibly extrovert (its pretty much a requirement of the job) and I'm fine with strangers (customers) but most of my team still don't get me and I never get invited out either. Ive only been there nearly 3 years.... So I know how you feel

I love your photos I lay on the floor for piggie selfies too!
Oh you sound so much like me :P
I think I dont make a good friend though, I am kind of a monster, which is probably why I ended up being a loner. I hang out with my mother. But you know, once your over 18, I dont see why anyone should feel bad about that, I mean you can enjoy whoevers company you want.
I know exactly what you mean about the noise thing. Usually I am okay, but sometimes its just too much, or other times I can't take it for more than an hour. I get weird about air too (I sound insane), but lots of times I find it really airless in shops, and I get hot really really easily too, and annoyingly I go red super easy and I sweat lots too, so yeah, I can flip out pretty easy lol. I can't follow when people talk over each other, I will tell them off, especially if they do it to me.
I think if you take care of your hearing, you can still hear high frequency noises as you get older, I can hear the bats outside fine still and I am mid twenties.
I can't drink much, it makes me feel like I need to pee all the time, which I hate. Drinking too much is so bad for your health too.
Animals are way better. They always want to hang out, cuddle, do stuff outside. Some humans get it too, but animals seem to far more. I also love how animals will really focus on you. Also they are just sooooo cute. Theres only one human who I find as cute as an animal and that is my bf and thats mainly because he is so like animal friends I have had.
As for Gigantica, she is just such a sweetie <3
Introvert here too. 24 years old.
I don't understand the whole partying, having casual sex, making out, constant boyfriends, drinking and all that crap either. I much prefer to be at home with my piggies, drawing art, writing stories and basking in my own time. I also suffer from social phobia and I feel the same way you do when your friends do something and ignore you. The worst was when a friend came to visit a friend who had moved in across the street from me. Literally his house was opposite mine. She went to see him and completely ignored me. I felt really upset at that. I have quite a few people in my social circle but only 2 that I consider friends. Both live to far away to see too often but I see them at least 4x a year and enjoy that time.

I much prefer my loving piggies. =)

(Your piggie reminds me of my Sakurai in alternate colouring.)
Introvert here too. 24 years old.
I don't understand the whole partying, having casual sex, making out, constant boyfriends, drinking and all that crap either. I much prefer to be at home with my piggies, drawing art, writing stories and basking in my own time. I also suffer from social phobia and I feel the same way you do when your friends do something and ignore you. The worst was when a friend came to visit a friend who had moved in across the street from me. Literally his house was opposite mine. She went to see him and completely ignored me. I felt really upset at that. I have quite a few people in my social circle but only 2 that I consider friends. Both live to far away to see too often but I see them at least 4x a year and enjoy that time.

I much prefer my loving piggies. =)

(Your piggie reminds me of my Sakurai in alternate colouring.)
Awwww! They are quite similar! I'm similar- I've had a couple of boyfriends but don't intend on having anymore. I don't like being attached to someone in the sense of keeping in contact with them and spending time with them etc. I find it exhausting. I'm quite happy by myself :)
Awwww! They are quite similar! I'm similar- I've had a couple of boyfriends but don't intend on having anymore. I don't like being attached to someone in the sense of keeping in contact with them and spending time with them etc. I find it exhausting. I'm quite happy by myself :)
I'm lucky I'm asexual so don't have to deal with that part of life. =)
i am also an introvert, i don't like drinking, seen my ma do it way much, not pleasant, and i know from the 2 parties i did go to that once i start i can't stop.
so i don't drink, unfortunately i am in australia, where everyones idea of meeting is the pub for drinks and steak (i also don't eat steak). so meeting people out is stressful and depressing, as i usually have to help my younger sister while she vomits. i dont really have any friends.
Have a virtual hug :) Your friends are missing out by not having you around. Lovely photo's of you and Miss Gigantica :love:
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