Ideal Bedding ?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 27, 2014
Reaction score
UK, bedfordshire
So I've used fleece for a while now but the upkeep of it everyday is starting to drain me and my washing! As I have two, two tiered hutches in my shed in the garden, what bedding do you all reccomend? I've heard wood shavings can cause respiratory problems. I like the look of Fitch but it's white! and with the amount they poop I'm sure it would look awful! suggestions? Not something expensive! can't make up my mind
I highly recommend Fitch. It is like a paper based product, it is very soft, warm, absorbent, long lasting,and no smell,dust free and kind to guineas :)
Downside is cost unless you can buy in bulk or you are near someone to do a bulk share.
Don't you find that it looks dirty because it's white? And how often do you have to clean it out and replace it? I saw that it's about 17 pound for 20kg, is that good? How long do you think that would last?

Sorry for all the questions don't actually no many people that use Fitch :)
I use megazorb, i pay £10 for an 85litre bag which lasts me a month cleaning out 2 cages every week plus topping up after spot cleans.
I've been using fleece for 2 month. Don't like it. I have gone back to Fitch. You can't beat Fitch. Yes fitch is white but no the poos don't stand out, poo mixs in like it does with other bedding. except in my piggy's hides. That's were they like to do mountains of poos and wees.
Yeah maybe I could use Fitch and then some fleece for there beds? So it's easy to spot clean the beds instead of the whole cage lol do you have any pictures of Fitch being used anyone? Just wanna see if it looks pooey " excuse my terminology lol.
Dirty nooooo. It looks the nicest out of everything I've tried. I have tried woodshaving bliss fleece Fitch. Fitch is the easiest to clean out.cheapest £17 bag last me 3 month for a 2x5 c&c cage. And look the nicest. And you don't get any wee smells
Oh good! I may have to give It a try tbh! If it's going to look nice still, the fleece looks lovely when it's done but having to sweep it out everyday is annoying then it takes me 4 hours to change them as 60degree wash two loads of washing and tumble dry them all! I Have a hetty Hoover I use just for the guinea pigs Hoover up there runs, if I use Fitch I'm assuming that I wil be able to just Hoover it all up once a week, and re do it? taking 20 mins max! Then obviously emptying the Hoover!
DSC_0114.webp this has been in their cage for two days and there are two boys in there. I have heard people get about 8-10 weeks out of a bag.
I should say though, it looks better with newspaper underneath as it stops the bottom of the cage showing but as a rescue with as many piggies I don't always have newspaper available .
It's the best bedding I have used, I do like fleece but I could only manage if I had one cage. The fitch I can get 5 days out of a group of 3/4 guineas , 7 days for a pair by spot cleaning :)
Thank you for your advice your right it does look fine! with it being winter and things soon too I think Fitch would be warmer aswell! One of my guineas tend to sneeze allt too so I'm wondering if this will help changing it :)
20141113_222703.webp this is 5 days old has 3 pigs living in there. I do scoop out under hideys every 2 day. Just scoop up with a dustpan and throw a handful of new fitch back in. Once week total clean out
:yahoo:Wow that is quite impressive! Especially after 5 days also! I think I am convinced Fitch is the way forward, thanks everyone really appreciate it
I should say though, it looks better with newspaper underneath as it stops the bottom of the cage showing but as a rescue with as many piggies I don't always have newspaper available .
It's the best bedding I have used, I do like fleece but I could only manage if I had one cage. The fitch I can get 5 days out of a group of 3/4 guineas , 7 days for a pair by spot cleaning :)
I fined when they spread their hay around that stop the fitch moving. I think new paper harder to clean out.
I don't think it will reduce sneezing to be honest. Fleece has no dust whatsoever. But definitely worth trying to see if it works better for you and the guineas :)
I thin
:yahoo:Wow that is quite impressive! Especially after 5 days also! I think I am convinced Fitch is the way forward, thanks everyone really appreciate it
I think you can order a smaller bag to try. But the £17 one works out cheaper
Shame none of you are close to me as I always order in bulk. Pallet of 8 bales lasts me nearly 6 months for nearly 40 guineas :)
Yeah i think I'm convinced enough to go straight for the 17 pound bag and if once that is gone I don't get along with it I'll go back to fleece but I'm sure Fitch will be best :)
It's great on my indoor cages but no good at all on wooden ones as it sticks to the wood and it's a nightmare to peel off lol
Yeah i think I'm convinced enough to go straight for the 17 pound bag and if once that is gone I don't get along with it I'll go back to fleece but I'm sure Fitch will be best :)
I've not seen anyone on here say they don't like it. The only thing I've seen negative on here, is that you have to order online and can't get in shops
I don't use fleece as I am a rescue and have nearly 40 guineas, cannot possibly keep up with the washing.
If I only had a small group of my own in a c&c then I would use fleece. I do however use fleece snuggle pockets etc
I don't use fleece as I am a rescue and have nearly 40 guineas, cannot possibly keep up with the washing.
If I only had a small group of my own in a c&c then I would use fleece. I do however use fleece snuggle pockets etc
I know it was a joke. Thats why i put lol. You would be to busy washing to look after piggys
I should say though, it looks better with newspaper underneath as it stops the bottom of the cage showing but as a rescue with as many piggies I don't always have newspaper available .
It's the best bedding I have used, I do like fleece but I could only manage if I had one cage. The fitch I can get 5 days out of a group of 3/4 guineas , 7 days for a pair by spot cleaning :)
is there any chance you could get in touch with a local bus/train station to get the free metro papers they throw away every day?
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