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Ill piggie

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Jan 6, 2009
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My guinea pig Sammy as had a tilted head for about 6 weeks he was talking some medication and it got better there was old a slight head tilt

this morning when i went to feed them sammy was still a sleep, sometimes he is still a sleep in the morning he likes his sleep alot. I didn't think much of it when he didn't go for his breakfast as it takes him a while to come around.

But 30min later my mum said he still hasn't come for breakfast yet. I went and picked him up and brought him in side put him on the table and he started to walk i noticed he could move one of his back legs he was kinda dragging it along and his head is titled more now as well.

he also had his poo's stuck in his bum there where normal poo's it looked like he couldn't push them out. When i helped him push them out he cried like he was in pain.

When i touched the leg and tired to move it he cried and didn't wont me to touch it, I couldn't even move his leg it like it has gone stiff but he was ok with me touching and moving the other leg.

I gave him a bit a apple he ate one piece but wouldn't ate any more when i put him back in the cage he ate a tiny bit of lattice he is now sitting in his plastic house and his bothers are sitting with him. I think there know his ill

Sammy sat with one of the other brothers rubean when he was ill in January. Rubean had to be put to sleep

There was 4 boys living together after rubean died there are now three of them.

Sammy is going to vets at 3.15pm today
I'm so sorry, i hope the vets can help to be more comfortable, healing vibes on thier way, i have mu fingers crossed.
Just been to check on him all he is doing it just laying in his house and the other 2 boys are just watching him, aswell as going to get some breakfast.

I'm getting the feeling it might be the end of the road for sammy. All my max did before he died was just lay in a spot

allready had 2 guinea pigs die in the last 6 months
I hope the vet is able to help. Sending good healing vibes Sammy's way.
Well sammy has been put to sleep

sammy looked even worse this afternoon before i took him to the vets. He could'nt even walk. He cired when i picked him to cuddled him he normally loves being cuddled and never cries. his face and eyes looked bad aswell

The vet and myself decided it would be best to have him pts

he was would of been 4 next month,

I told him he was going to go see rubean, his bother who died in January, he loved rubean

I have also told oscer and archie who he lived with that sammy as gone to see rubean now, How do you explain to a guinea pig that thier firend was ill and died?
i'm so sorry sammy didnt make it :( hugs to you.

when we had crumble put to sleep i took her home and let her sister say goodbye to her.

dont know if you could do that?
i'm so sorry sammy didnt make it :( hugs to you.

when we had crumble put to sleep i took her home and let her sister say goodbye to her.

dont know if you could do that?

Well i told them he was going to be with rebean for i took him, as i kind new had to PTS. There did sit all morning with him

The cage looks empty now as i had 4 boys in there now there is only 2:(
8...I'm crying reading this, poor Sammy but you did what was best for him out of love. He'll be reunited with Rubean at Rainbow Bridge running free.
Hope you are ok and send hugs x>>
8...I'm crying reading this, poor Sammy but you did what was best for him out of love. He'll be reunited with Rubean at Rainbow Bridge running free.
Hope you are ok and send hugs x>>

I'm doing ok i had a little cry this morning, I didnt cry at the vets tho i have to keep going with looking after the other 8
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