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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 29, 2015
Reaction score
Yorkshire, UK
Hi everyone

Just thought I'd say hi. Your forum was recommended to me & as I expect I will have lots of questions/need for advice I thought this was the best forum to join.

Anyway, we got out two little girl pigs a couple of days after Christmas so they are nearing five weeks in their new home. Fudge is the bigger one and looks like she's the dominant one too although she's also the shy one. Biscuit on the other hand is a little live wire and definitely keeps us on our toes. It's wonderful to see how different their personalities are. Five weeks in and so far so good!
Hi and welcome!

I hope that you will enjoy our friendly community on here!

We have got lots of information about all kinds of aspects of piggy life and care at the top of our various Care sections which you may find interesting and helpful, but you are at all time welcome to ask any questions you may have.

Since we are dealing with members from all over the world, we find it very helpful if you please added your country, state or (for the UK) your county or city, so we can always adapt any advice and recommendations to what is available and possible for you straight away. Click on your username on the top bar, then got personal details and scroll down to location. In the same section you can also upload your avatar, that is the picture that always appears with any post you make.

You may find these threads here helpful for the start:
Hi :wel:to the forum...

We have lots of great care guides on the forum under our various sections...for you to have a look at... Please ask any questions you may have, just start a thread in the section of the subject you wish an answer for.. and our friendly members will get back to you.. :nod:

Hope to see you around the forum.. and we all would love to see some pigtures of your girls.. https://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/threads/how-to-post-photos.112751/

Lisa & Ali..
Hi and :wel:!
If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Can we see some pigtures of your piggies please?
Hello fellow Yorkshire-person. I was born(many years ago now!) in Leeds. Wishing you many happy years with your piggies! I think you will find they are very addictive.
Aw thanks everyone!

I've spent a lot of time this afternoon reading the food threads as I really want to feed them well with veg. At the minute we're still trying new stuff (asparagus this week - it was spat out in disgust!) so they get a little bit of 2/3 different things a day while we compile a list and put things together that they eat. Today has been a day of firsts, as they've been weighed and measured. Also they've had a tiny bit of apple to try, which went down well.

AuntyC, I'm in Doncaster but love Leeds too!

I'll put a pic up soon :)
Hi, welcome to the forum. Hope you like it here and glad someone recommended the place to you. It is very friendly and helpful I am sure you will soon feel like you have been here forever.

Be lovely to see and hear more about your piggies.


Aw thanks everyone!
. At the minute we're still trying new stuff (asparagus this week - it was spat out in disgust!)

:)) This happens every-time we have a new piggy and think oh, maybe they'll like it! No pig ever has. I wouldn't mind but I love the stuff roasted in oven with some balsamic on it...
Introducing you to my two babies Fudge & Biscuit (apologising for the the delay, I had lots of pics to go through!)

I often feel Biscuit gets more attention as she's more 'outgoing' (or maybe she thinks there will be a chance to escape). She will come over/run up your leg when you're sat on the floor with them & allow you to stroke her but very much on her terms only as when she's had enough off she runs. Fudge is now allowing us to stroke her without running off & she will chortle away if you rub under her chin. She's still quite skittish though.

The list of food they eat is growing, we've just added watercress & coriander to it. They've decided to be little monkeys and not eat green pepper this week though.

We're taking it slowly.


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