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I'm Back!

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Adult Guinea Pig
Aug 26, 2012
Reaction score
Cheshire/S. Manko
Hello again everyone.

I have had some time away from the forum. Sadly, as some of you will be aware, I lost several of my piggies due to illness and old age just before and after Christmas. This really knocked me for six and I've not really felt up to coming on the forum or had any interest in life generally. With the help of the piggies and my rather rambunctious bunnies I'm getting there. Life dealt me another blow when my two old ladies decided it was time to make their final journey a couple of weeks back. They had been living with Winston (following the death of Fudge) for a couple of weeks and enjoyed nothing more than snuggling up together and munching hay. I've never seen three piggies so inseparable. It such a shame their time together was so short. Twix passed away in my arms, on our journey back from my seeing my parents down south...the small furries always make the trip with us. She had been off all day and I knew she was going. I don't think Twirl could imagine a life without her, she was fine, eating and drinking well but just not herself and she passed away just three days after Twix. I suspect she was broken hearted. My poor Winston has suffered three losses so very quickly and unfortunately he withdraw and stopped eating or showing any interest in anything. I tried him alongside my other pairings but unfortunately it only antagonised the others, so I took the decision to find him a friend. I would never normally even consider getting a pig from a pet shop but with the way Winston was so rapidly going down hill I felt I had no other choice. I looked into it at great length and went for a breeder known to me via a friend in the showing circuit. As far as breeders go she is one of the better ones, with only two to three litters a year. To cut a long story short Crunchie came to live with us, forgoing the quarantine period, I bonded the two of them and Winston has bounced back to his old self. Crunchie is just passed the hormonal stage so I'm hoping things will work out for them, so far there have been no issues and I often find them cuddled up together, and are always piggie training during floor time. I wouldn't go to a breeder again, that I'm sure of, but I don't regret the decision for Winston's sake.

But I digress! I have been lurking about, trying to keep track of everyone and their piggies! Lovely to see so many new faces and piggies too and saddened to hear about some of the losses :(.

Look forward to speaking with you all again! *Waves*

I'm so sorry for your losses. :( I am here if you ever need to talk. xx
That has clearly be so hard for you, you've been through so much.

I am really pleased to see you back.
:wel: back. I thought I hadn't seen you in a while.

It is so clear in your post that the welfare of you guineas is your main goal - so , please don't feel guilty for trying to find him a companion quickly .

It's nice to have you back.
hi, welcome back. :) sorry you've been having such a hard time. needs must sometimes, even when it means a breeder or petshop, especially if a sad little piggy's health and happiness depended on it. x
Welcome back x sorry to hear you have had such a horrible time x Glad Winston has found a little friend.
Hi Jeni,

You poor thing, I am so sorry to hear you have lost Twix and Twirl. Twix was a really favourite of mine and I am really saddened to hear she has crossed the bridge along with little Twirl. You have lost so many of your furry family recently, it must have been so hard. We are all here for you if you need to chat

Congratulations on Crunchie's arrival, I cannot wait to hear more of this friendship as it blossoms and maybe some pigtures (hint hint)

Welcome back you have been missed, it is so nice to have you back with us

x x
I'm so sorry for you terrible time and the loss of your piggies. Welcome back and good luck with your new piggies, it seems all is going well. I think most of us have lost piggies at some stage it's soul destroying, and this forum has always been ther for me in my bad times, and we are there for you now. There is always somewhere a piggie that needs a loving home, not to replace your rainbow piggies, but to enhance your life , and give you the love you need, and winston tooxx huge and wheeks from my boys x
I'm so sorry for your losses. Welcome back to the forum and I look forward to the pigtures of your new piggies.

I completely understand the new to get a new piggie fast for a grieving piggie, thats how I ended up with Ryou from a pet shop rather than a rescue as Gilbert was going down hill fast. I'm glad your little boy is now happy with his new friend. :)
Welcome back!

I am very sorry for all your losses; that must have been so tough! HUGS!

It certainly knocked me back last year when I lost seven of mine, exspecially the first three not very old ones within a month; all of those to issues that I could not have been foreseen. :(

But I am glad that you are better again and feeling able to join us again! We've been missing you!

You will find that in the case of acute pining, even our bereavement guide recommends to get a piggy companion asap, never mind where you get it from and forget quarantine! ;) Not all big rescues are that flexible, and the small ones that are, don't always have a suitable single piggy handy.
Welcome back

I'm excited to see some crunchie pictures(nudge,nudge) glad you are feeling better too. I find the arrival of a new pig can do wonders for the pig but can also help the owner. Especially when you have had so many piggies pass recently.

Rip - Twirl and Twix together again. It's amazing how quickly these little guys can go downhill after the loss of their little friends, True friendship.
Thankyou guys, I'm really touched by your lovely words:wub:. I have missed the community of this forum and everyone here, it is only in coming back I realise how much it helps, though I admit that I'm not the best at talking about things. It is still comforting to know you are all here. There are no people like piggy people!

I will of course be uploading some shots of the little nutter soon :)), I must admit I squealed a little when I saw him, spookily he has almost identical facial markings and behaviours as Winston's first friend Fudge. I think that is what made me feel less guilty about not rescuing too. I sometimes will catch sight of Crunchie and for a split second see Fudgey. I like to think it was a sign:nod:.
Thankyou guys, I'm really touched by your lovely words:wub:. I have missed the community of this forum and everyone here, it is only in coming back I realise how much it helps, though I admit that I'm not the best at talking about things. It is still comforting to know you are all here. There are no people like piggy people!

I will of course be uploading some shots of the little nutter soon :)), I must admit I squealed a little when I saw him, spookily he has almost identical facial markings and behaviours as Winston's first friend Fudge. I think that is what made me feel less guilty about not rescuing too. I sometimes will catch sight of Crunchie and for a split second see Fudgey. I like to think it was a sign:nod:.

Do not feel guilty about not rescuing, sometimes it is not possible for a multitude of reasons or fate calls. Never feel the need to apologise. x
Wow, sounds like you've had a really tough time lately. It's devastating to lose piggies, but I'm glad to hear you've found Winston a new companion. Welcome back.
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